
If you were to assign a gender to Iraq, what is it? male or female? why?

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If you were to assign a gender to Iraq, what is it? male or female? why?




  1. Female, the war would come to an end.

  2. IRAQ -Male


  3. If not  a Hermaphrodite

    definitely  Female

    since it gave birth to





    the garden of Eden

    The Illuminati came from there

    so did the Nephilim and the Anunaki

    Noah beached his boat in the mountains

    Organized religion was born there

    It is the cradle of humanity

    the birth of civilization.

    One reason Bush is in Iraq is because of the secrets that lie buried there,If uncovered they will reveal the Illuminati lies of our origin and undermine the present world power.

    Every one here is so shallow they only go back a dozen years

    of a country that has a history of 300.000 years

    Typical lot of thumbs down ,

    dont stop

    i want more to prove my point that most People here, can think no further than todays politics,and are ignorant of ancient history.

  4. Well, there's a saying that goes, "if it has testicles or tires, it's going to give you trouble."

    Iraq give us troubles... so I guess it's either male or a car.

  5. To the people of Iraq - female.  They have been consistently crushed, oppressed and beaten down throughout most of their existance :-)

  6. i would assign both genders to iraq because the men have the strength & the women have the brains & together we can kick their ***!! bb

  7. Babies; because I believe that they are really just opening their eyes and learning about the possibilities that life has to offer.

  8. Iraq would have to be female,




    Yep, female for sure.

  9. I would assign its gender to be male by gender with ambiguous genitalia, thus being raised as a female with a male genotype.

    Mad apologies to all!

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