
If you were to build Noah's ark how large would it be?

by  |  earlier

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and would you have to seperate the preadators and the herbivores or would they just learn to live next to each other to carry on the species




  1. To big for even modern ship building skills. It certainly could not be done at the time that Noah or Gilgamesh (the guy that the Noah story is based on) lived. If it happened at all it would have been a local landowner when threatened by rising water, probably the Black Sea, built a large boat to save his animals.

  2. It gives the dimensions in the Bible.  It was about the size of a modern destroyer.

    If you had two rabbits on board, there'd be plenty of food for the carnivores.

  3. to fit in two of every breed

    excluding fish..(..thered be no need..)

    Id say... well..... very very large

    much much bigger than a barge

    an aircraft carrier...... I would say

    ........the animals come out every day

    and .."exercise..".. upon the deck

    then they could keep the muck in check

    it could be cleaned with power hose

    ......the smell would not offend the nose..

    then back below to get a feed

    two by two ..would get more speed....

    so now the crew could take their ease

    and Noah's cruise would be a breeze...!!!

    well ..nothing more needs to be said

    so think Ill go back to my bed...!!

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