
If you were to choose b/s this 3, what would you choose?To become a Teacher, a Nurse or a Computer Programmer?

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I'm now studying as an associate in computer science because my mom want me to..well..they said that it is in demand so i go for it..but i think i want to be a teacher..mmm..what would you suggest?I'll shift to another course or go for it because it's in demand?and oh..i'm planning to go abroad when i finish my studies..




  1. If you're determined you really can be whatever you like. If you are enjoying the computer science then that's great, but if you're not getting into it, no matter how much "demand" there is, it won't make you happy.

    Do what you enjoy most and gives you job satisfaction, whatever that may be.  

  2. There's no demand for anyone who's only there because they think they'll get a job. I'd suggest you do the course you want to.

    Going abroad depends very much on where you plan to go. You'll not be much in demand as a teacher (except of English) unless you can speak the language of the country you go to fluently.

    Nursing - you need to check that your qualifications are recognised where you plan to go.

    Computer science is pretty much the same the world over - but this does mean that in a country where you're not automatically entitled to work, you may struggle to get a work permit, because there will be plenty of locals who are qualified to do it.

  3. A computer programmer is where the money is.

    You may get more satisfaction from teaching.

    Nusing is another way to say "I'm on my way to becoming a doctor"

    Either way, you shouldn't focus on the salary. Even if it is a million dollar paying job, if you don't like what you are doing, it isn't worth it.

    Good Luck.

  4. Choose to be a teacher if you love children, a nurse if you want to help people and a computer programmer if you want to make money.

  5. Hmmm...those are three pretty unrelated fields!  I love teaching.  It's very fulfilling and energizing.  I hit the ground running in the morning and don't stop until I hit the bed at night.  The minute I take a breather, the kids take over.  Just remember that you'll have to go a lot further than an associate's degree.  You'll need another four years to complete your bachelor's and then a master's.   The fact that you're considering nursing and teaching indicates that you do like working with people, which is a strong prerequisite for teaching.  To be a good teacher, you'll need to be energetic, enthusiastic, encouraging, eager (I'm not trying to be alliterative here, it's just happening!) and, of course, knowledgeable.  Whatever you choose, pick the field you love.

  6. If you're asking for my opinion, I would say choose teaching because it's the noblest profession in the world.

  7. It is not important what we on the Internet would choose.  The most important issue here is:  What do YOU want to do.

    All of the choices are honorable professions and go with your heart.

    Do what you love and the money will follow.

    Nurses and computer programmers can work anywhere in the world, teachers also, but their options are more limited.

    Nurses require a lot of compassion, Teachers a lot of patients, and programmers a lot of curiosity.

    Are you going abroad for travel, work, or to live?  

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