
If you were to go down to Mexico would you learn some of the language or would you wing it?

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If you were to go down to Mexico would you learn some of the language or would you wing it?




  1. I'd learn some basic phrases. It depends on where you're going. If you wanna go to some resort location like Cancun then there is no point.

  2. i would wing it

  3. Well,

    it is respectful to learn a few words before entering another country espically dealing with conversation like hello, hi, what's up, thank you and such. Do not worry, the Mexican people are very friendly and will help bridge the gap. I would also recommend learning the numbers to 100 and alsoif you know there is a specific outing you are going to want  to do, you might want to look into that as well. Plus, the more you learn will help in other forms of communication such as sign reading, menus, e mail browsers, or just hearing what other people say. Imerrsion is the best way to learn a language, but I would take the effort to study a few things before your adventure. Worse case scenario, have a good spanish english dictionary around. I have travelled all over Latin America and Spain, I still carry one with me, it is OK!

    Be prepared, have fun, taste the jamaica(hibuscus, an awesome flaovr you will find in everything sweet, it is great),

    Forest D. Bynum

  4. It wouldn't hurt to learn some common words and phrases.  I think people will appreciate the fact that you even tried to communicate in their native language!  You can get yourself a little pocket phrase dictionary, or you can look up translations of popular words / phrases on free translation sites like BabelFish.

  5. I consider it a matter of respect. Try a little, whats the worst that can happen you learn something, make them laugh at you pronunciation.

  6. Frankly no. If they have the bluntness as to come to our country expecting to stay for the rest of their lives and never speak a single word of English, why the h**l should we go to Mexico for a WEEKEND and be expected to learn a second language? Not a fair trade there amigo!

  7. it depends on how long you go for.. Like someone said if you go to Cancun , at least learn Hola. But if you go to the rest of Mexico ( Mexico city, Guadalajara, Acapulco, Puebla etc). Learn some Spanish to get by..

    What ever you decide to do, Have fun!

    Take care..


  8. If I were to go to any country, I'd learn the language (or at least enough to get by on).  Don't expect everyone to speak English because they are not.

  9. I lived there for a year, and became fluent.  Mexicans actually like American tourists to speak Spanish, and they will do their best to speak English with you.

  10. Depends on the location. If you are in the tourist areas there is no reason too. If you are going into the real Mexico the it would help to know a little Spanish or Mayan.

  11. well, do you feel ok with people coming to your country and not learning the language?  do you think it's ok for them to simply say, "what the heck??  someone who speaks MY language please flipping help me."  if you think it's ok, then don't learn anything.  if you don't think it's ok, you should try and make an effort to pick up at least a few essential phrases.  i know people say, "oh everyone in mexico speaks some english."  uh...that's not true.

  12. get a translator

  13. I've been to Mexico several times on holiday..namely The Mayan Riviera, and Puerto Vallarta. A lot of people do speak English; especially those at the resorts. Some may have broken English, but try very hard to communicate. If you smile and are polite and TRY to communicate, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

  14. Learn some nouns (things) and action verbs, to go, see, need...present tense OK. Mexican people, especially in the tourist areas are familiar with your fractured Spanish. Please and thank you are always welcome. I've been working on the language for many years and am only fluent in "Spanglish". Have fun.

  15. depends on where you're going.  If you're going to Cozumel or Cancun, or somewhat touristy place, just learn the basic "por favor" and "gracias."  

    Bonus points for pronunciation!  We just went to Cozumel, and ppl sound funny when they butcher the words.  

    Seriously, if you are nice and just speak english, most ppl are nice back.  They can spot most foreigners immediately anyway.

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