
If you were to have a money more than you could imagine....?

by  |  earlier

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what would be the first thing you would use the money only to yourself and only to you??? no donations, no tithes, no charities... it will be only just be about you....




  1. first i would pay off all my bills... then buy a house and pay for it in cash... then like 10 trucks all 4x4 then like 10 cars. then start my own business and open a savings account and save as much as i could. then i would get a larg amount of life insurance

  2. yep. i'd only spend it on myself.

    nah jokin..i'd give some of it to special peoples..x

  3. i would love to have a little house with a nice yard

  4. First, you must understand that I can imagine a LOT of money.

    OK, the first thing just for _me_ and me alone I think would be a sports car or maybe a boat.  I've always wanted both.

  5. i'd go shopping and buy everything in topman, river island and burton! oh and hugo boss, gucci, f**k and ted baker

  6. I will go back home to the Philippines so I can continue what I've left behind and be with my family and friends. Or live in a country I desire the most taking my mother with me. That would be the first thing.

  7. I would build myself a large homeless shelter, with a huge kitchen and nice places to sleep, in every city in my state.

    It is about me...I enjoy giving back!

  8. Only my plastic surgeon would know for sure.

  9. I would go on a world cruise.

  10. I would hunt a human for sport. With that much money your above te law and can get away with it :)

  11. i would buy huuggge amounts of creative supplies and educational materials and as small as possible property to keep them in with large gardens.

    then i would start a school in the daytime, and have huge parties with people from all over the world, not just the rich, anyone who wanted to be flown in i would do it.

    i would employ huge amounts of people in the school to help me with new projects for the community and other stuff.

    then after setting up a decent school i would spend the rest of my life being creative and helping people around me.

  12. I would go by a NICE SPANKY house then i'd go buy me a nice car knw what i mean

  13. i would quit my job and buy a new vehicle.  Take a trip.

  14. i will buy the biggest house i can possibly imagine.

  15. i would take only what i need for fear it would steer me away from God

  16. i would buy myself houses/condos all over the world.

  17. Build a new monarchy and try to rule the world, muahaha

  18. Put myself through school. Buy my apartment. Pay off my car. Save/invest about half of it. Take that trip to Greece that I always promised my mother before she passed away. Buy a new laptop. Buy my dad a giant house in the country with a wrap around porch and a huge amount of acreage so he can have the horses/farm he's always wanted. Pay for his retirement (that would be for me, cuz I'd love to see my dad happy). I'll add more if I think of anything. =)

  19. a musle car. 1965 through 1974, a gto would be nice.

  20. I'll buy a country and name it after myself.

  21. if i had that money? i'd probably:

    1. get a nice guitar

    2. get some kinda thing done to my hair to make myself look better

    3. get  some sort of operation on my face

    4. put on a big concert

  22. Buy a beautiful home...and also have an apartment in NYC, and a house on some tropical island

    Get a big boat with a crew and throw parties on it all the time

  23. 1. move to california with my whole family and friends.

    2. i would buy a nice house for me and my family.

    3. buy as much stuff, as clothes, shoes, etc. (those things i've been wishing for a long time)

    4. travel the world.

    5. give ALOT OF MONEY to the poor, and other people. i could give money to everybody. AND REMEMBER THITES TO THE CHURCH

    6. save money

  24. buy a car!!!

  25. the first thing which comes up to my mind is buying a house.....that way,i can be sure of where the heck am i going to stay for the rest of my life......even after i ran out of moneys....i leave the rest to you........

  26. well there is so many things i want to buy with my money that i would like to use it for a laptop,an IPOD my exbf stolen my ipod. so i want a new one. so i would pay my bills to with it

  27. i would go on a big shopping spree



    id buy a car

    a house

    a guitar

    and evrything else i possibly need and want

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