
If you were to join the army what career choice would you choose?

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If you were to join the army what career choice would you choose?




  1. prob airborne cause jumping out of planes would be sick!

  2. i am joining the army now, and im joining to be Military police. after active duty i may be a State high way trooper maybe even FBI.

  3. I wanna be a Ranger so bad I can't stand it. I'm going to try but I leave Feb for infantry.

  4. Intelligence

  5. When i joined i was offered satalite tech. it was in flordia, 6 year minium enlistment, 3 years ait, no bonus or college money. the long ait scared me away, but you could do that job somewhere like nasa for like 90 grand a yr...please pick something useful. dont be a sucker like me and do infantry. it was cool but not a huge market in the civilian world for killing people. let us know what you choose, and dont trust your piece of c**p recruiter. if its not in writing it will not happen

  6. I agree with RED, go Intell, you wouldn't believe what you get to do. And the civilian job market is great.

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