
If you were to land on Saturn....?

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and there was gravity pulling inwards, do you think that you would get pulled through and then just float in the middle? It is made of gasses...... what do you think??




  1. You couldn't be pulled through completely to the middle because there is (or is believed to be) a rocky core about ten times the size of Earth at the center.  You might just orbit around the core as a glob of mush in the 1800 mph winds and pressure sufficient to transform hydrogen to liquid metallic hydrogen.

    "Saturn's atmosphere, although similar to Jupiter's, is much less interesting to look at from a distance. But enhanced-colour images allow us to study the bands across which run parallel to the equator much like Jupiter's, indicating violent winds.

    Saturn is one of the windiest places in the Solar System, and wind speeds have been clocked at a staggering 1800 kilometres per hour at the equator. Occasionally, violent 'white' storms break through the cloud layers, each one bigger than Earth. The last of these was observed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope in 1994. Smaller storms occur as darker spots, and have been shown in recent Cassini-Huygens images.

    There are three regions in Saturn's troposhere (the part of the atmosphere where 'weather' occurs) where clouds of a particular kind, or 'cloud decks', are to be found.

    The location of the clouds is predicted based on the temperature at which vapour will condense into droplets. The point at which condensation occurs, on a temperature profile, is where the clouds ought to be.

    The temperature in the troposphere ranges from about -130°C to about +80°C.

    The top visible cloud deck, made of ammonia clouds, is found at about 100 kilometres below the top of the troposhere (tropopause), where the temperature is about -250°C.

    The second cloud deck, made of ammonium hydrosulphide clouds, is found at about 170 kilometres below the tropopause, where the temperature is -70°C.

    The lowest cloud deck, made of water clouds, is found at about 130 kilometres below the tropopause, where the temperature is about 0°C (freezing point of water).  

    The hydrogen gas that makes up most of the atmosphere slowly changes to liquid with depth as the pressure increases. Below the liquid hydrogen rests the heavier liquid helium.

    Deep in the depths of the body of Saturn, the hydrogen is  under tremendous pressure, and is transformed to liquid metallic hydrogen. It is believed that a rocky core about ten times the mass of the Earth exists at the centre."

  2. Yes, that's basically what would happen.  You would fall through the atmosphere.  The pressure and heat would build up until you burned up into a crushed cinder.  Then you would probably disintegrate and your molecules and atoms might get caught up in convection currents.  I don't think you could sink to the core through all that liquid metallic hydrogen.

  3. If your ship was strong enough to survive the tremendous heat and pressure, yes it would find a zone where your ships density matched the atmosphere's and it would float in equilibrium. That would have to be one tough ship though.

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