
If you were to meet Hitler in person...?

by  |  earlier

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what would you tell him?!




  1. i wouldnt tell him shoot him in the face

  2. i think i would just say hi

  3. i wouldnt, i'd run for my life

    or probably just die right there infront of him

  4. You f**king moron! I hope you burn in h**l and let the devil devour your soul. that is if you even had one. then i'd kill him.

  5. I'd say, "I hope you burn in h**l, you evil dumkopf!"  

  6. I'd torture him

    Just like he did to all those innocent people..

    Slowy by slowy

    Until he realized what he did and how cruel and derogatory of a thing it was to put those people in camps, to kill them unfairly and to much less single them out as if they were nothing..nothing but dirt.

    While he takes his last mother fu'ckin breath...I wouldn't shoot him I'd stab that son of a ******* like there's no tomorrow..

    I hope it'd be on his birthday ...

    Curse that unholy soul of his..

    But on the other hand...Who am i to call him unholy..

    Because I am also at fault for having these dark thoughts, but he's still the more unpleasant man for going through with it..

  7. So when is the exact day I go to h**l and when will I meet you there?

  8. i'd tell him that i was happy to meet him because thats polite then i would call him a beesterd for killing millions of innocent peoples because thats honest

  9. I'd tell him that I admire him for being such an intelligent man and that I wish he would have used his ideas as positive aspects instead of torturing innocent human beings

  10. I wouldn't say anything to him. I would take him to the government and have them torture him to death.

  11. I'd kick him in the balls  

  12. I would say, "Why the h**l am I in h**l?"

  13. i'd say "how'd u get ur mustache like that??" :)

  14. "hey Jew"

  15. i would kill him

  16. fancy a shag?

    id ask not tell

  17. I would say nothing.  I would let the click of a trigger do my talking for me.

  18. l Would Be Like u Sick b*****d And Shot Him!

  19. I'd say "what's that?" and point up.

    then I'd give him a lethal kick to the balls.

    I don't think Hitler is worth reasoning with.  His thinking was too screwed.

  20. I wouldn't get out alive! He'd probably shoot me for not being an arian godess. I'd probably beg for my life then I'd say he should shoot himself too for not belonging to the prototype he's preaching!

  21. I'd be like hey how you doin, can I get a minute of your time to spit a line or two. And then I'd leave.

  22. Kick him where the sun don't shine, I guess.

  23. Nothing...I'll just aim my gun right in between his eyes and shoot. =]

  24. Start singing springtime to hitler?

  25. I'd do more than talk haha.

    But, I don't speak

    he was just a mentally ill, ****** up person, so nothing you could tell him would really make a difference. It's not like he woke up one day and decided to start the holocaust, he wasn't in a right mind. It's scary how much of an effect ONE person can have on the world.

  26. If it was a civil conversation I would try to figure out his pathology and get insight into why he had such a sick and unnatural hatred.

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