
If you were to only do ONE excersise to increase your vertical jump, which would it be?

by  |  earlier

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My question is mainly which way of increasing your vertical jump works the BEST? I know all the different excersises like plyometrics, jumping to a point higher than you can reach, calf raises and squats, gym workout equipment, etc. Which one works the best and gives the most results?




  1. Jumping to don'y need fancy gadgets or a workout partner...a wall and a piece of chalk &  motivation will get it done.

  2. One great exercise to increase your vert, jump rope.  It works on increasing the fast twitch muscles which will help you jump higher and for volleyball give you the endurance to maintain that high jump throughout the game.

  3. at my local gym they said that if you want a higher vertical jump to practice by standing on the ground and jumping side ways up onto a item with a flat top surface. if you dont go to a gym that has the special platforms you jump on jumping sideways on chairs and stairs work okay as well.

  4. idk i did a program but i improved my vertical and now i jump 24!!!

  5. Well I'm working on this thing called Air Alert, it's amazing! I actually just did my last part for this week a minute ago!

    It's a 15 week program that promises to improve your vertical by 8-14 inches. I started with a 15 inch vertical and I can't wait to see what I end up with!

    And NEVER use weights to improve your vertical, no matter what anyone says.

    [edit] Weights may seem to help you, but as soon as you take them off, you'll lose all but about 2% of what you gained with the weights [end edit]

    If you want more information on air alert, go to

    Good Luck! It really does work!!!

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