
If you were to save one endangered specie of animals, which one would it be?

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I am conducting a survey for my Ecology class and i would like to find out what specie is more popular.




  1. The Animal I would save would have to be the Siberian Tiger.

    Cold, snowy Siberia, in the USSR, is home to the largest of all the tigers, the Siberian tiger. It is highly endangered and there may be fewer than 200 in the wild, probably all in special nature reserves. Hunting and loss of habitat have reduced their numbers.

    These elegant creatures need to be saved to ensure a future for them.

    Otherwise I would have said save the amazon rain forest for it is home to something like 50% of the worlds animal specie.

  2. Save every new born human baby.We are polluting air, water,milks (Including Mother's milk)

    food , fabrics, bed, bath, medicines!!! Oh every second of her life!

  3. The Clouded Leopard.  It is the most beautiful animal I have ever seen.  It only lives on an island, and is so close to being extinct.  It is aspiring to see.  Also not sure if it is endangered or not but the Wild horses of North America....we are taking their living space so fast.

  4. The Giant Panda. It is a very unusual creature and is normally very gentle and harmless. The problem is it breeds only once every year or so.

    However, I do think it would be nice to save all endangered species!

    BTW - I don't think you will get very many answers here, so I would recommend asking it a few times in Polls and Surveys, in Entertainment.

    Hope I helped

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