
If you were to vote out a brutal sport, would it be bullfighting or boxing?

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If you were to vote out a brutal sport, would it be bullfighting or boxing?




  1. Bullfighting. Boxing is not that bad. It has become highly regulated and most fights are stopped before anybody gets seriously hurt. You can get killed if you make one mistake in bullfighting.

  2. Got to say Bullfighting because boxing u know how to fight back or you shouldn't be in the ring in the first place. As if bullfighting is i hope i don't get killed and if getting pounded u don't know how to fight back a bull.

  3. Bullfighting for sure. No stabbing in boxing... usually.

  4. bullfighting.


    its just f*cking cruel.

    and sick.

  6. boxing

  7. Figure skating.

    The most cruel of them all.

  8. Boxers have a choice

    Bulls do not

    Boxers are human beings

    Bulls are animals.

    Easy choice really, bullfighting.

  9. bullfighting..

  10. Bullfighting without a doubt.

    Boxers choose to fight.  

    Bulls don't.

  11. Bull stabbing I don,t get it.

  12. Bull fighting. Anybody that willingly stands in front of a bull with a cape does not have the mindstate that should allow them to make the decision to do it.

  13. I say let the Bulls fight a boxers.

  14. Bull fighting

  15. Bullfighting because the bulls have no choice. It's cruel.

  16. Bull fighting for sure I think it is Barbaric...and no I am not a vegetarion or a tree hugger.. I just think sport is unfair and brutal for the bull and sometimes the matador.

  17. Bullfighting. Boxers have a choice.

  18. Neither. They are both time-honored traditions. That is a left-wing loaded question. Your next one will probably be, "Which terrible gun would you rather ban - revolvers or autos?". You leave no room for a correct answer (which would also be NEITHER).

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