
If you were to vote...?

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Who would you vote for in the November elections?

Democartic Party-Obama/Biden

Republican Party-McCain/Palin

Any other party




  1. Senator Obama scares me. He keeps talking about "Change", and people keep eating it up. And his flashy DNC was nothing more than a Hollywood extravaganza. He'll tax everyone to death, increasing Capital Gains tax, Inheritance tax, etc. He's got absolutely no experience, but he sure is a charismatic speaker. Even Joe Biden says that he doesn't think Barak Obama would be a good president.

    John McCain & Sarah Palin, on the other hand, are ready to lead. Just look at what Gov. Palin has done for her state. She is not a "party line toter". She will shake up the establishment. And John McCain is not your run-of-the-mill Republican either. In fact, he was driving the Republicans away until he made his choice for VP.

    I HONESTLY do not think that McCain/Palin will be another four years of the Bush Presidency. Unfortunately, Obama/Biden have to get elected to prove this point, and that's the scary part in my mind...

  2. NAder

  3. I will vote for Obama/Biden

  4. What do you mean if I was to vote?  I am going to vote for John McCain.

  5. After 8 years of living in purgatory,we the American people need a little bit of heaven, so I am definitley going to vote for Obama-Biden. The American people elected a President to serve its people, but evidently this past President did not want to be a servent, it is below his diginity. If you worked for a boss and did not do your job, you would be fired instantly. The same should be held accountable, even to the highest office. We work hard, pay our taxes, pay for health benifits to those who need it less, where is the justice. We must stop this now. I believe Sen. Obama is for all of us.

  6. leaning towards obama/biden. strongly leaning...

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