
If you were to win the lottery...?

by  |  earlier

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what would you do with it? I believe that I would buy me a car, maybe buy my bf a nice vehicle, any of my friends that needed cars i would buy them one, buy me a very nice house, invest just a little bit of it, save quite a bit of it to live off of, and then I would give quite a bit to charity i'm not sure what exactly maybe like Brain Tumor Research or St. Judes maybe I'm not sure. It's not like I will ever really hit the lottery but i was just wondering what everyone would do with it.

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  1. well im still young and if i won anything it would go directly to my parents.... but they would probably pay off the morgage and then have it sitting there collecting interest until i get older...

  2. I would Pay off my house maybe buy a second one, pay all bills off and then go on a vacation, when I got back I would

    proably invest the rest so I could stay on a permanent vacation.

    Never Work AGAIN.

  3. well i showjump horses, so i would buy a new top notch horselorry with all the trimmings, knock down my stables now and make new ones with a grooms bedroom kitchen and toilets , buy a wooden cabinet thing for me to live in rather than live with my paretns and brothers would by my first car so i could have it when i gt my liscense and would by my family anf frineds stuff and sum would go till charity the rest for to live iof for the rest of my live

  4. if I won the lottery, what would I do? any*** thing I wanted to!!

  5. I would buy my daughter a house, a red ferrari and a small Cessna(152) and get a commercial licence.  Go on a trip around the world.

  6. First of all ,I will looking for ways to double my winning as soon as it  will be possible. I already have a list on how and continue to brainstorm about. But first of first of first you need to win . And to do it you need to know how Lotto works. Because Lotto is not luck. Lotto is knowledge.

  7. I would not tell anyone for a while and try to figure out what to do with it first.

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