
If you were to write a farewell letter to one of your former friends...?

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a friend with whom you might have unsolved issues with, how would that letter sound?




  1. No, don't tell me you're writing a farewell letter to Yahoo!Answers!!!!!

    (complete with a lot of punctuation)

    I suppose mine would be something like:

    Dear Grasshopper,

    It's OK to have unsolved issues sometimes, and I don't hold that against you (in fact, at this distance I can't hold anything against you -which is why I'm writing a letter). I never was good with romantic words (so it's probably a good thing that we were never romantic). Someday we'll look back on this and laugh (maybe today, maybe tomorrow). I have no idea why I'm even writing a farewell letter at all -I should probably just walk off into the sunset.

    (well, that's a rough 1st draft, anyway)

    Seriously, if you're going to leave the issue unsolved you don't need to write a letter -things might be better left unsaid. However, not knowing what your issue is, I'll leave it up to you to decide whether to write a letter and what to put in it if you do write it.


  2. we are not bringing out the best in each other..two nice people..good luck..

  3. I wouldn't write the letter in the first place.  Sometimes, it's better just to drift away. leaving everything as is.  There are countless people in your lifetime who you will leave in that manner, or who will leave you.  It's better to look back and say "I wonder what happened to John", rather than saying "Jane was the one with the guilty conscience who wrote me that pointless, childish letter saying she wasn't going to speak to me anymore".

  4. I have been your therapist, now let me be your secretary as well!! So,

    Dear friend ( in a matter of speaking..)

    Remember the issue we had left unsovled??  Well, never mind!!  Gone is the issue, gone is its solution, gone is me!  So long, farewell!

    Your dearest,


  5. Oh, let this Top Contributor in friends help you with this little problem.

    Dear So & So,

    Please go to h**l faster so this world can be a better place.

    Thank you.

    Your loving ex friend.

    So & so

  6. i would talk to the person first, if those issues could not be worked out or explained, then i would sit down and simply state the reason why you are severing the ties!  be as honest and forth coming as possible, yet gentle and firm in your reasons!  hope that helped!♥

  7. "I'm so confused"

    shakes head.

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