
If you were to write a fiction book on the folks from GWS, what would it be about?

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Who would be the heroes and anti-heroes? What would your story be about? Who would die tragically?

How would it end?




  1. I think I would take it more on the psychological aspect. I would write it to where everyone who posts here regularly  gives their insight on the opposite s*x based on the experiences they've had with both women and men in their lives. I would walk through the lives of these people and show where the events in their lives molded their opinions of men and women (past relationships, marriages, divorces, children, current work conditions and career choices, even the friends in their lives and company they keep).

    I would showcase snaps shots of everyone’s emotional make-up via a combination of personal testimonials from every one of interest, allowing everyone’s life to unfold through out the story line. I sometimes wonder what goes through the minds of some of the men and women who post here. This would be my tool used to get inside the inner-mechanics of their emotional being.

  2. I'd strand all of us on a desert island so we'd be forced to depend on each other to survive.  Those who refused to get along would die in one nasty fashion or another.

    Kiki: I could throw in some kinky s*x scenes, too, if you like.

  3. It would be about a never-ending war.  Wait, that's how things are on here right now.

    Flamespeak- You're not saying Gun and I are the same here are you?  

    I like my character though.

  4. All of us would be traveling together to a giant convention of gender-studies forums in Abu Dhabi. The plane would unexpectedly crash on an uncharted island in the middle of the Atlantic. Though the feminists and non-feminists would be bickering in the beginning of the story, most of us would learn to work together. A few would refuse to unite and would eventually be eaten.

  5. Aww - fiction? I don't read much of it...

    I was thinking of Zen & the Art of Mellie: A Memoir of Being Deleted Because of Spreading Truth and Making People Think.

  6. The rise and fall of feminism.

    I'd be an anti-hero who's willing to do whatever it take to eradicate feminism.

  7. Funny you should I was somewhat frustrated recently with certain members of this little clique and their 'attitudes' I guess the thing that springs to mind would be a non fiction work about young girls these days, and their 'attitudes'.  I know that we all thought we knew everything when we were in our teens and twenties, but I haven't encountered anything quite as obnoxious as what I've seen on this forum in some time.  Students who believe they have the world figured out because they are 'academics'.  Young wives and mothers who go on and on about what a joy their lives are at home with their children...but amazingly, they can be found ALL DAY on this forum.  Young feminists who seem to have such a chip on their shoulders at such an early age.  

    I've said it many times...this generation who are now in their late teens and early twenties are amongst the most selfish creatures one can imagine...with a sense of entitlement a mile wide, no sense of taking personal responsibility and a ridiculously unrealistic view of how things really work - in the real world.  

    Or, perhaps it could be a work of fiction...with all these sorts depicted as characters.  They meet online here, becoming what they see as a clever little troup.  But flash forward twenty years, and see what they have accomplished, and how the real world has changed their views...

  8. One day A. Americans and Flamespeak were taking a trip to Great Well Spring when a Lioness pounced upon them!  The two took shelter in a nearby forest that was overgrown with Untamed Roses.  While escaping one terror, they were placing themselves in another, for the woods were home to a stuttering Gun Fanatic the locals simply refered to as "the Rebel Man".

    "Dsds-ds-diss here is my pro-prop-property!" the crazed man yelled as he began firing at the two.

  9. Have you ever seen the movie "Cube"? It would be like that.

  10. I think the castaway idea is sick Lythanya.

    I'd bring the rum.


  11. it would be a post apocalyptic novel... eleanor b, and thing 55000 woud be heroines.  rio too, she would be the key to establishing a new government, but would die tragically midway through the book at which time she would be elevated to a position of near worship (think gandhi).

    you and flamespeak and baltazar cordez and blah and yarking lunchloaf are the antiheroes.  you would travel our country like the pied piper bringing new survivors back to the relative safety of rancho yarko.  baltazar would instruct children and adults alike on the value of philosophy.  flamespeak would teach pacifism with the heart of a warrior.  yarking lunchloaf would show everyone how to build and use their hands, and build they would.

    the anti-feminists would constantly be trying to invade the compound so they could capture all the women and make them domestic slaves and baby mills.  i'll not name their names but i will say that one will be brutally sodomized by his own kind and another will end up as a guinea pig for all manner of horrific scientific experiments.

    i would live in a tree with blah, unobserved by both sides and chronicle all the goings on.

    i'm not sure how things end... just yet.

  12. GWS is fiction! Did you think GWS had anything to do with the real world?

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