
If you were turned into a baby, and saw your girlfriend going out with another guy?

by  |  earlier

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If you were turned into a baby and saw your girlfriend going out with another guy what would you do?

You are strapped into a stroller and cannot do anything except cry, she can't recognize you at all all she see's is a baby in a diaper




  1. Woo Hoo!!!  That means I could live to be over 100 and only be as old as I am now!!  My girl friend has been my wife for over 30 years.  If I was a baby and she was going out with someone else, all the more power to her since at her present age, the pickings are few in our social settings.  I would also assume that by the time I was of marriagble age, she would be dead of natural causes.  Therefore whatever she wanted to do with me as a baby I would have no cause to object about.

  2. I'd tell him to pick me up then I'd take a royal dump in his lap.  LOL

  3. I would cry.  You stated in your question that I am "strapped into a stroller and cannot do anything except cry."  So I would cry.

    Was this a trick question?

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