
If you were under charged would you report it ! ! ? ?

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If you were under charged would you report it ! ! ? ?




  1. I was in tesco's once i was given change of 20 instead of 10 and i didn't but if it was my local corner shop i defiantly would.

  2. If you realise you've been under charged and don't report it then technically the minute you leave the premises you have committed theft but that would be very difficult to prove in Court. Your best bet would be to either tell them if that would make you feel better or just act dumb and keep it which would make me feel better. These companies make millions by overcharging for their stuff and pay their staff peanuts. So if their employing fools who can't count then that's to your benefit.

  3. report report and grass grass grass is that all you ever do snitch on people Purr purr shame on u

  4. no why would you would they tell you doubtful

  5. YES .honesty is the best policy .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     LOL...

  6. Depend wher it happens and by how much

  7. No way Jose...happened to me's great

  8. Yes, I would always give a chance to correct their error. If they are polite I wait till they make the change. If the get rude and indignant, that they could have not made an error, I leave.  Do the same with an overpayment in change.

  9. YES!

    as I would if I was over-charged.

  10. If you are honest you would

  11. Yes and I have several times.

    One time was $200.

  12. If it was a sole trader or one man band, then yes.  If it was a big corporation, no.

  13. No!

  14. nope

  15. I have done, on more than one occasion.

  16. I would bring it to the attention of the server, not management.  It could be an honest mistake or it could be the server it flirting with you or thanking you for being a good customer.  Reporting it to the management could get the server in trouble for either giving stuff away or for being a bad server.  Just say something like, "I just wanted to make sure the bill is correct."

  17. I was given back too much change once and I told the woman behind the counter that she gave me too much, she said she didn't but I went through the transaction with her and she then saw the mistake, It made me feel good inside to do it, she would only have gotten into trouble with her boss for the till being out, so I was happy - my good deed done.

  18. No, dont be daft,

  19. Yes I would and :no if I found out later, that  I was miles from where I made my purchase. Think about cost petrol of going back for example and the time involved.

  20. when that happens i usually say to the waiter  "are you sure this is right?" many times they don't even bother checking and say "yes" right away. in that case i leave it at that because if they are so arrogant they think its not possible they made a mistake then they deserve to loose a few bucks. sometimes they will check it in which case they may or may not correct it. no matter what happens you tried to do the right thing.

  21. have had several situations where a clerk has given me back too much change. have given back the extra every time.

  22. i would say no, but the right choice would be to report it

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