
If you were under house arrest and you lived in a mobile home, wouldn’t you be able to go anywhere you want?

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If you were under house arrest and you lived in a mobile home, wouldn’t you be able to go anywhere you want?




  1. Hopefully the system would realize what kind of home you had, and they would probably limit the places you could go in it.

  2. ahahha, love this question!

    but they have sensors placed around, so if you move outside a certain boundary, alarms go off.

    love your way of thinking though, glad i added you in my contacts!!!!


  3. Ha! That's funny. Obviously wouldn't work, but clever.

  4. what a great sense of mobile..hahaaaa

  5. The "house arrest" is for the specific ADDRESS not the building. So if the mobile home is at "123 Any street" and you move it to "456 Other street" you have broken the conditions of your house arrest.


  6. Yes I would move each week.

  7. Funny, that's the way to think outside the box.

    But seriously, if you live in a mobile home, your address changes when you move the home.  Your court ordered house arrest indicates the address, not the type of home.  So, no, you can not go anywhere you want.

  8. I don't even know why I answered this question but now that I have I will do my best to pretend it's serious. Conditions of house arrest are set forth by the Dept of corrections that has jurisdiction over the offender. Conditions can range from not even leaving the home to actually going to a job and running errands. So I guess it's possible that someone on house arrest with a mobile home or RV could drive to work if going to a job were one of the conditions of their house arrest.

  9. Theorhetically you would have to be put under mobile home arrest. Tongue in cheek, you could go mobile to mobile and still be under mobile arrest.  Wouldn't that be called being under arrested development?

  10. Yes, but you still couldn't leave the house. A drive in movie would be nice though.

  11. hah i guess

    i mean your still in your house

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