
If you were wanting to make a career out of Egyptology what would you want to study?

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I'm talking about languages you should learn, majors you should take in college, along with other things you could study or learn.

Any help would be greatly helpful.




  1. first you must study hieroglyphics, arabic,studying greek will also help you. you should study all about ancient egyptian history ,families, pharohs,buildings and constructions, some geography will be very useful, some researches about climatic changes will help you know about the development of the civilization.

  2. Languages: Greek and Coptic and Ancient Egyptian.

    Also study linguistics and historical linguistics.

    Other subjects: Archaeology Ancient history and even if you are more interested in the writings or art you should still study at least one or more science minors like biochemistry or geology.

    Or do science majors and do archaeology and then egyptology as minors depedning on what your college offers.

    Be aware you may have to do Egyptology as a postgraduate course if your nearest college has limited course options.

  3. Egyptian writing, history of the region, a study of the line of pharaohs,a knowledge of artifacts to be able to date a dig,anthropology, cuniform writing to confirm from other regions events that took place in the historical region,Jewish history, and the history of areas where slaves were taken,current cultural customs and language of the region around egypt, international law reguarding travel and work permits, How to use a weapon in self defense, and Indiana Jones movies.

  4. languages: french and german, some arabic would not hurt.

    majors: anything from anthropology to history would be most beneficial, but also classics. if your university has an undergraduate program in near eastern studies then by all means get into it. other languages such as greek and coptic would be good to take since you will have to know every stage of the egyptian language as an egyptologist.

  5. If you were wanting to make a career out of Egyptology what would you want to study?

    things about egypt

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