
If you where 13 in this day in age what would you do with 350 dollars?

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I was just given 350 dollars, I am 13 and I don't know what I should spend it on. I really don't want to put it in the bank and get "intrest" on it. I want to buy something with it! I was thinking maybe a broadway play? HMMM? Please help!




  1. I'd buy a lot of clothes, shoes, and accessories.

  2. I am 15 and I have a lot of money. Way more than that, and I chose to save at least some of mine.

    A broadway play would be AMAZING.

    I have been to Mamma Mia twice and I loved it both times.

    I would also choose to buy new clothes.

    Or a cell phone or something.

    But really I'd choose to save it, intentionally cause you won't regret it in the future.

    I am planning on buying a car soon.

    So I am saving. [:

  3. save it for college.... i learned my lesson..

  4. get a cell phone?! is 13 too young for a phone??! idk ;)

  5. buy some clothes for yourself

  6. i'm 14, I would buy clothes, cds, and an electic guitar

  7. Get an iPod if you don't already have one...or just buy some cool clothes that you couldn't afford...i'm 16 now so that's what i would've done...or buy a phone XD Good Luck!!

  8. just wait.  don't go spending yet.  my best advice is don't spend it now.  no matter how hard it is.  like i've done this before.  got money from my gamma.  then just went walking to this used video game store and bought some sh*tty game.  it's best to wait for that perfect momment

  9. get an ipod touch

  10. alot

  11. go have a great time for a week or so. go to the movies, shopping, treat your friends, and whatever else you want.

  12. oh that sounds fun....Hairspray... or the ipod new iphone that would be cool...... or a DS if u don't have.... i love mine

  13. go shoping, hang out, use it everytime you have a weekend for your friends so you dont have to ask your parents for money. get your hair done thats fun or nails!

  14. buy games for xbox

  15. OMG with that kind of money you should save it. I got a savings bucket thing that I use and I'm using it to go see all my online friends after I graduate from Highschool. I know... pathetic but still I want to see them. Or you could save it for college sense that costs soo much but spending it would be just dumb.

  16. If you enjoy broadway that would be great to do! For some, a once in a lifetime opportunity. Although given that you are being taken care of and don't have any expenses, gaining interest on your money would have a greater return in the long run.

  17. spend it on clothes food or something

  18. Even though buying a Broadway play sounds interesting, I would really put it in the bank. Whatever you buy now, you're going to regret later if you're in a tight spot financially or really want to buy a laptop for college. I seriously would suggest putting it in the bank for now.

  19. Buy GOLD and put is someplace VERY safe!

  20. In the early 70s, a one ounce gold coin was worth $35. Today, a one ounce gold coin is worth $965. This is not so much a reflection of the fact that gold is more valuable, rather it reflects the declining value of the dollar.

    Today, things don't look any better for the dollar. In fact, moments ago, I noticed that the Fed has devised some sort of bail out plan for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. They've already bailed out Bear Stearns and many banks are teetering on the brink of collapse. If you're smart, buy gold or silver and sit on it.  A one ounce silver coin is currently selling for about $19. There's a $2 or so minting fee on the purchase of precious metals coins. That means you could buy about 16 silver coins. If the dollar continues to collapse in the same way that it has over the past 35 years,  $350 worth of gold or silver coin would grow to almost $10,000 by the time you're 45 - 50.

    At the same time, wages are in steep decline. There is every indication that the right-wing is attempting to reduce the U.S. labor market to the same $2 per day wages that the majority of the world's workforce earns. In a capitalist society, capital is king while working a job is for the impoverished. SAVE YOUR MONEY and learn how to invest. You'll be glad you did.

  21. i would go shopping for bags clothes shoes makeup and stuff like that

  22. For me, i will just going shopping for clothes, hair products and them take a few friends to the movies.

  23. Save some of it,


    You could buy a digital camera, new phone, Ipod if you don't have one, clothes, Make up, hair products.



  24. Hmm.  . As hard as it might be, I would reccomend saving half, and spending half. You will find something you really want, probably in the near future, and then you'll be like "oh I have that $175 (half of $350) .. I can get it!". It happens to me everytime I DON'T save any of it. And then take the rest and put it toward something you'll enjoy. If you can't think of anything, just save it all, or buy some clothes/shoes :) Also, if you save sometime, your parents might notice "maturity", and start giving you more privledges, etc.

  25. i would save it. you'll want something and your parents won't buy it for you, then you would be able to buy it.

  26. If it was me i would deffinately donate some to a local animal shelter and spend te rest on adopting an animal! you can never have to many!

  27. save it!

    save it for something really important in life.

    trust me, one day you will really want something

    and you will have 350 bucks!



    Spend it on something you've always wanted, if you really want to see a Broadway play, sure, go ahead.

    I'm also 13, So I would spend it on clothes, music, an iPod or something like that. Maybe a new cell phone, or you could put some in the bank and get interest, and spend the other on what you want?

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