
If you where a ninja what would be your weapon of choice??

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If you where a ninja what would be your weapon of choice??





  2. You must decide that question for yourslef....

  3. My brain.

  4. A gun

  5. a limitless bank roll-

    that way I can buy and sell all your sorry asses who chose a weapon to go and do the job for me.

    I would also pay your wives/girlfriends to have s*x with me while you were out working and make you clean up the mess when you returned for an extra 2 yen (inflation is a ***** isn't it? coult have bought anyone that cheap back then).

  6. fat women

  7. Shuriken!

    Also Biological warfare!

  8. Small syringe of insulin. Incapacitates almost immediately, kills within seconds, and perfectly legal to carry around pretty much anywhere.

  9. a samurai sword.

  10. Basically anything that modern Spec Op warriors  use. But I am against killing so......I don't know, Maybe empty threats and a giant british guy with steely blue eyes, a crew cut,and  silver teeth named MASHERS bending iron bars while I tell the guy what MASHERS will do to him if he doesn't comply wiht my Ninja ordinances. I would also have MASHERS around at social get togethers and suaree's as MASHERS is acutally quite a gentleman when you hget to know him and the teeth are fake. But when MASHERS get's angry he basically can rip you limb form limb.ANd he "Toks loik this ,all bri-ish" ,and stuff. MASHERS is available for childrens prties, free lance bodygaurding and muscle for your less than legal information gathering needs. Call 1-800- inn-pain that's 1-800-INN-PAIN.

  11. Sai s and a shield.

  12. I am my own weapon

  13. A Heckler & Koch MP5SD.  The only sound is the bullet casings hitting the concrete.

  14. A sniper rifle (I'd be a modern ninja)

  15. grasshoper,

    throwing stars, but of course

  16. a nunchukus and ....maybe a dagger...and my martial art skill XD

    any weapons that are small and easy to hide are good for ninjas, that's why they're so silent

  17. Cats.  Nothing more terrifying than angry/frightened cats thrown into the faces of the enemy!

    *Kidding!  I would never harm an animal.*

    Weapon of choice:  Whatever was close at hand.  Why limit myself?

  18. Chuck Norris.

  19. my brain. my brain will allow me to use any weapon.

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