
If you where a president for the day what would you change in your country???

by  |  earlier

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i would change the taxes so they are no so high and give homeless people a home to live in. and also make children behave and bring bk national service.




  1. Reinstate the draft (this will prevent war, trust me).

    Eliminate the 2-party system.  Whoever gets the most popular votes wins.

  2. If whatever I did would actually change the country in one day I would allow prayer and Bible reading back in the schools, I would work out a reasonable welfare program that helps people to reach their full potential and I would erradicate all use of drugs.

  3. The first thing I would do is push for mandatory term limits-espcially for the judiciary.

    With terms limited to one congress could actually do their job instead of endless campaigning and posturing.

  4. National Healthcare

    Price ceilings on gas and heating

    End the war-- bring troops home

    Legalize benign drugs and tax the c**p out of them for revenue

  5. Lobbyists would lose their jobs immediately and have no effect on Congress in Washington.

  6. stop giving money to other countries and use it on the american people [ health insurance , food , housing ]

  7. Fire all the sitting politicians, arrest them for treason and begin trials.

    Oh and build gallows for the upcoming executions.

    Can't correct all the wrongs in one day but you sure as heck can start by cleaning house.

  8. Abolish the political parties and force everyone to work together for the better of the USA. not for the better of their party.

  9. This is a good question with some GREAT answers.

  10. No more IRS, taxes on wages is slavery we can sustain fine without them we did prior to 1913 and we can again.  The IRS being gone would reign in the government from war, over spending, police state and put the government back in a position to serve the people.  Not the people serving it for funding.  The IRS is a horrible organization, the commissioners no better than the most abusive slave owner.  Taxes on wages is slavery according to the SC, we need our freedom back.

  11. National service is a good idea.

    English would become the national language in my country.

    Start a program to promote smaller families.

    Encourage family planning and adoption.

    Develop a tax on religious organisations.

    Build a real protective clear zone along the Mexican border by moving military bases to that area.

    Create a pressure team devoted political and economic changes in Central America.

    Change the tax system to a simpler system without all the bs deductions and write offs.

    Ban US citizens from serving in foreign armies.

    Tax foreigners abroad who hold dual US citizenship.

    Stop giving away citizenship to anyone born in the US. (anchor babies)Foreigners have advantages over Americans as they have access to two countries citizenship while babies born to Americans overseas are denied citizenship in many countries.

    Make sure there is reciprocity between countries in terms of the way each treats each other citizens living in each country.

    Push for accelerated dismantling of nuclear weapons stockpiles.

    Ban political contributions from lobbyists

    Bring the troops home.

    Ban soft drink and candy machines and sellers from all government properties.

  12. Eliminate crimes,

    Lower taxes, and

    Get rid of those who are corrupt.

  13. If you lower taxes, where will the money to give homeless people a place to live come from?

  14. this gas thing got too go giving money away to some one I destroyed like over seas (OUT) but I would help as much people possible that have nothing to get them back on their feet only if they are for real about helping them selves..cut as much taxes as posssssible..My Dear..

  15. Definitely I'll helped it to the poor people like to having an out reach program for the children,to donate the some medicines in the government hospitals and public hospitals and even some health center to providing for the some patients that they can't afford it to buy the some medicines that they need it,to donate for the church,I'll helped also to the non government organizations for the solving it of their problems and I'll told to government officers to helped me on how to solved it of their problems in our country,I would to build the hundreds of the school buildings in Metro Manila and the some provinces in our country,I'll would like to give a discount for the senior citizens for their some needs that they needed like medicine,to check up the doctors etc,I would to give for the some poor families for the having of a hundreds of their for they having of their shelters,I'll would give the some jobs for the youth that they not finding of their job and asked to the some officers to helped with them for providing them of their vacant positions of their respective countries and ask the local government officers to solved of their problems in their places like having a flooding etc and let's joined of our hands to helping to each other with one to another this good a relationship through our country the Philippines

  16. i will see that the country should be economically well established. sothat each and every individual lives happily

  17. Overthrow the government, create a dictatorship, and give myself  a couple of years to make real changes.

    What? You honestly expect to make any changes in one day? to do that you would need the support of almost everyone in your country.

    Btw, i´m for direct democracy, i would only  become a dictator due to the circumstances.

  18. Given that my country is a democratic republic, there is very little I could change in a single day.

  19. I would make lobbyists illegal.  I would put a financial lid on money spent to run a political campaign for president/vice president at $10,000.  So that ALL of us would have an opportunity, not just the rich.  

    I would make adding those pork benefits to bills in congress illegal.  I would make congress put only one action in each law and not tack on the large group of pork bills to each law.  I would require that congress work 8 to 10 hour days, 5 days a week, with one week vaction between Christmas and New Years, and one week around July 4th.  

    I would eliminate the political determination by party for all congressional seats allowing the population to vote for the best person, not the party.  

    I would punish any business who layed off more than 50 employees by having their stock eliminated from trading for 90 days.   I would severly fine and tax all profits for any business who sent jobs out of the country.   I would put an excise tax on on imports, so that goods built in the USA would be a bargain.

    I would expand the health care system that is currently and very successfully used by congress people and most of the Federal government to include all CITIZENS.  I would set up free clinics in major cities and on the internet to really help those here illegally apply for citizenship and would reward new citizens with a financial gift.  

    But I will never be president, too poor,  and won't kiss &&& of those who would donate big money.

  20. it would take much more than one day to fix all is what I believe is wrong

  21. Pull every American soldier out of the Middle East

    legalize g*y marriage

    lower the national drinking age to 18 with every

    other liberty

    legalize the use of medical marijuana

    lift restrictions on stem cell research

    make abortions legal until 5months

    Eliminate national income tax completely. It is only used to pay on national debt until such a time as we can buy more debt, thereby forcing a balanced budget.

    Deem the Patriot Act unconstitutional

    Open the borders.  Were all illegal immigrants unless Geronimo is your grandfather anyway.

    Fire everyone who served as intelligence during the Bush Administration

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