
If you where offered a pay rise would you take it?

by Guest60527  |  earlier

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I would if I was offered one.




  1. You would be stupid not to accept a raise in pay

  2. not if they'd actually expect me to start doing some work!

  3. Yes, unless it makes the work extremely hard.

  4. yea, whut kinda question is that??

  5. I don't see why anyone wouldn't. Unless there's a unpleasant catch to getting the raise. ;)

  6. obviously.

    kind of a dumb question really.

  7. yes! everyone would i think

  8. yes i would, but now i'm getting fired soon.. lol hahahha  

  9. No reason not to.

  10. ?

  11. Depends on how much I was asking for and how much was offered. I usually don't take the first offer and negotiate something in between.

  12. What would i have to do?? Work longer - no... Work harder - yes.

  13. LOL

  14. thanks for the 2 points!

  15. yes  

  16. Yes, if it meant no more responsibility. If it were a raise and a pay raise, I'd have to think about it first.

  17. Yes, no doubt.

  18. h**l yes! I don't get paid enough for the work I do!

  19. yes

  20. Yeah as long as it does not involve sleeping with the boss!lol....

  21. No!  I'd negotiate for lower pay!

  22. Depends.  If they were offering me a pay raise that was because I did a good job, then of course I would accept it.  If they were offering me a promotion, and I liked the duties outlined in the new position, I would accept it.  If they wanted me to take a promotion and I did not feel comfortable or want to do the job , then I would not take it.

  23. With this economy, you would be insane not to.

  24. What situation would there be where you wouldn't accept a pay raise?

  25. Who wouldn't? What kind of question is that?

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