
If you where president for one day, what law would you make.?

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If you where president for one day, what law would you make.?




  1. When I was about 7-8 I always wanted to change the word 'valley' to 'vally' because the 'e' irritated me.

  2. I would pass a law that all babies born to illegal immigrants do not get automatic citizenship, INS is called when  illegal immigrants  go to a hospital, enroll in school, apply for aid, get insurance, register a car, exct...

  3. I would pass a law that families are only allowed to have 2 children.

  4. To eliminate welfare and social security for illegal immigrants and put more stipulations on those who receive welfare legally.

  5. That abortion is Illegal. And I would be Prime Minister.

  6. I would make a law that says: When ever a company in the United States Of America outsources a job and closes they have to pay all of the employees until they find another job..and the pay would be the same as they made while they worked at that company.The benefits would not change and the employee does not have to take a job that pays less.

  7. to end war

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