
If you win the lottery will you blow it or use it to help people or the planet ? Be honest because I know what

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will happen Im physic !




  1. I would not use it to help the planet, I would put it into some form of interest bearing investment and then use the dividends every year to help the family (not just the nuclear family either). By doing this we can give away more than the original amount and still have it left over and we can carry on doing this for a very long time.

    We won a car once at the casino, sold it back to the dealer, bought my mom a holiday overseas, gave cash to my brother and sister and my wife's mom and dad, and put the rest on a rental property... thats how I know what we will do WHEN we win the lottery ... not IF

  2. I would only spend as much as I have to on myself and make sure that the bulk of it is saved for my future kids, their kids, their kids, and so on.

  3. In both ways you'd be helping others.

    If you spend that money, someone else is gonna earn it (your suppliers, service providers,...), so you'll be enabling many workers to pay their bills.

    If, on the other hand, you make charitable contributions, you'll get the same qualitative effect, you'll be helping a different set of people, who are unable to earn enough through classical work, or who can't/don't like working.

    Even if you burn the $ bills, you'll be making others richer by decreasing money supply.

    The only way for you to avoid helping others with your financial behavior would be to save the money you won without consumption ever...which would defy the purpose of such a blessing.

    However, why would you want to win the lottery if you still don't know what you're gonna do with the prize? And if you have no necessity? And why would you purposefully incur this ethical dilemma? To many, winning the lottery is a shock that leaves them with a bigger burden than before.

  4. I would pay my bills, give to my family and then I would do something to help the homeless, and also do something for literacy.

  5. lol physcic huh!! i would buy me and my family houses and cars are whatever they needed i wouldnt help anyone except my fam..

  6. I would share some of most of it.....get a newer car and fix up the house.....blow some on wild women ( am single ).

  7. First I would pass out or pee myself!!!  LOL...don't know, cuz I don't really plan on winning!  I'm just winging it...;)

  8. I would first make certain that my family members and close friends had everything they needed before donating to charities and causes.  I would set up an estate for my children.   THEN, I would help others.

    You know, it's like when our country feeds and clothes people in other countries when there are still homeless and hungry people right here.  We should all take care of our own first, THEN do what we can to help others.

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