
If you witnessed someone getting hurt badly, what would you do?

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My friend and I were talking about witnessing car accidents, so if you saw a car accident, and no one got out of the car what would you do?

Would you help?

Perform CPR if needed?

Keep driving?




  1. I would do whatever needed to be done to help and or save that persons life, I had great parents that taught me the right way to live....................

  2. I would get out of my car & call 911. Yes, I would perform CPR. "Do onto others as you would have others do onto you."

  3. I have and will pull over and help as much as I can.

    It is the right thing to do!

  4. It depends on the situation.  If I witnessed a car accident and saw it, and it happened right in front of me, I would safely make my way to the vehicle/and or vehicles and assess the persons involved, as well as the situation.  I would then, obviously, administer what care I could give.  What sucks most about car accidents are, everyone wants to look and then you have these know nothings thinking they are helping.  If you come upon a a car wreck and you already see people there, just call 911.  Don't get out to 'help'.

  5. well if i was driving i would stop and ofcourse go help the person out of the car call 911 do what ever it takes

  6. I'd call 911 and help with whatever I can.

  7. I would help in any way possible, of course calling police first.  I think you'll find that most people would stop and help.  or shoud anyway.

  8. As a nurse, I feel obligated to stop and help..but I would first call 911 and get help on the way...then see what I could do to help.

  9. If i was driving (by myself or with my friends),Of  Course, I will go and help the persons who r involved in the car accident. I will call 911 right away(Police, Firefighters, and the ambulances)!!! If i see an accident , i would not waste my time and drive by! I will pull my own car to the side immediately and run to the place of the car accident!,  i will help the injured peoples!

  10. I would say pull over and call  911 but if you're on a highway stay in the car for your own safety.

  11. Obviously I would call 911 and give what help i could.I would try and get other drivers to stop if i couldn't get them out of the car,wait with the people till emergency services came.

  12. I wouldn't do CPR, cause I don't want to make the situation even worse. O.o I would def call 911 though.

  13. I've always stopped to assist if needed.  If you are worried about "germs", there are special masks you can purchase through medical supply places or maybe the Red Cross.  They have an air filled rim that covers the patients nose/mouth and a tube with a one way valve that you blow into to administer breaths for CPR to the patient.  This prevents mouth to mouth contact with them and also prevents them from vomiting into your mouth if you happen to force air into their stomach.

  14. Of course I would help, especially if there weren't other people helping already.  If YOU were in a car accident, and got hurt really bad, would you want people to help you??

    The worst thing people can do is keep driving, showing how insensitive they are. At least call an ambulance.

    It's like that case in New York, where a woman gets attacked in an alleyway near an apartment complex. She starts screaming for help, and lights come on in the windows above her. Then nothing happens! No one even yells to see if she's okay! Then the attacker sees that no one is going to help, and ends up killing her. Apathy is one of the worst traits in human nature, along with selfishness and greed.

  15. of course i will help the poor victim,..

    first, i will right down the plate no.of the suspect if ever its a hit and run case,

    2nd, i'm gonna call "911" for help (eventhough that im an amateur, i still know that i can't touch the victim due to the possibility that bone damage may occure, and it will cause much worse,, then

    3rd, gently examine the victim if its still breathing,(if not, apply cpr) ,,but  if there's no ambulance in 10 minutes,

    4th i will call a taxi and rush the victim to the nearest hospital.,then contact the victims family and report to the police the accident and give the plate no.

  16. I would stop and render all the aid I could............

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