
If you woke up tomorrow able to change one event?

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that you experienced in your life so far that you were directly responsible for, good or bad, what would it be and why or how would you change it?




  1. I would go back and undo all the relationships that i have ever had heartbreaks inevitable but im too young and i think if i have never encountered it i would be more focused with school but it has matured me  

  2. Knowing what I know now....I'd have reported my mother to the authorities and got myself out of her house.  She was abusive.

  3. i wouldnt change anything cause i feel that God makes everything happen for a reason and that whatever it is makes you that much stronger of a person =] so not a thing

  4. 9/11, for some reason I have not been the same since.  Of course I was not responsible for it, but I would stop it from happening somehow.

  5. i would never have cheated on my exboyfriend.

  6. Just one even hey?  I would probably never say yes to a date with my first university boyfriend and would have just tried being friends.

  7. August 14, 2006  

    I would have spent the evening with my family.  

  8. I would change something that caused my sons physical scars.

  9. I would tell my now ex boyfriend that we're not moving from Vancouver and that he'll just have to find a new job.

    If we hadn't moved we'd still be together but that move ruined us.

  10. not losing my best friend.

    i still blame myself.

    i'd explain it, but then id start crying.


  11. I'd put on fresh undies.

  12. Visit my parents more than I did.

  13. the abortion that i paid for i would not help that girl get it , and i would add not letting my now dead father drug use . i think  

  14. Been closer to my grandpa.

  15. I would finish high school with out any kids

  16. That my dad's parents never left him and were good to him. I want this more for my dad then me. I wish I could have met them. *sigh*  His life could have been so much better. To much to explain. :( (My dad's alright though)

  17. I would change how it ended with this girl in high school. Not that I want to be with her but it ended real messy and it think that has affected the rest of my life in a negative way.  

  18. I'd go back to that one night in 2005 that changed me completely

  19. Dude, you were not directly responsible for 9/11! My God!  I don't know that I would change anything.  Everything is just coming together in my life.  Even bad things now have good end results.  Imperfections are what make life complete.

  20. I wish I was not born.

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