
If you won Millions of dollars in the lottery what would you do with it?

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If you won Millions of dollars in the lottery what would you do with it?




  1. Try not to spend it foolishly. Like buying a toilet made of solid gold!10% to God..... Donate to worthy causes.......Make sure the money never runs out.

  2. i would  stay living where i am but with better standards. have the same amount of cars but newer. get hair cuts from the same place but more often.

    i wouldnt move in to a massive house because a massive house would mean moving into a neighber hood where all proffessionals live. u cant just move from normal every day neighbour hood to a high class 1. u wont have n e thing common with the people around u. money is a illness if not used properly

  3. I'd buy a nice house and a newer car, go to college for something I love, have a nice wedding, and invest most of it in a Roth IRA and then live off of the interest from that every month.

  4. Family first. I'd take care of my family, pay off my bills, have a grand wedding and invest it somewhere :) buying the occasional gaming and artistic necessities as needed :) Im a huge gamer and I love to draw :P

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