
If you won the 25 million dollar Lotto, what would you do with the money?

by Guest63212  |  earlier

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If you won the 25 million dollar Lotto, what would you do with the money?




  1. I would stay quiet about it - if that were possible. I would then invest it into various financial vehicles (better come retirement and for many other good reasons.)

    I would allow it to grow and earn interest, divides, and so forth.

    You see, it's not going to be enough that you no longer would have to work. One day, believe me, you will get bored. If your winnings are allowed to grow and you keep your same (or close to it) lifestyle as before the win, in only a very few years, that amount will have grown so large that you can actually begin to be generous with it if you like, or simply know that NOW, you can start to live it up a little, without blowing thru it all.

  2. Buy a mansion, travel the world.  Donate some to charity, but inconspicuously, like putting a $50,000 check in the basket at church when it reaches my pew.

  3. i would help a lot of people i know who would need it a whole lot more than i did.

  4. Anything I felt like doing at any given moment.

  5. First I would pass out!  lol.  Set something aside for posteriety, pay off all my bills, make my parents retire, give tithing to various charities anonymously, and be happy.   Whoever said money can't buy happiness obviously came from some family that had it.  If you don't know what its like to be broke, you need to learn it and respect it!

    Go pamper yourself and the ones you love.  Hire someone to take care of the finance!

  6. Invest the 20 million in gold and use the rest for daily needs.

  7. Invest it and live off the earnings after inflation. That should be almost a million a year which should get me every thing I really want and provide a income for my children and grand children etc for all of their lives also.

  8. why do you care

  9. build a electric generator that runs on solar panels. I could double the money in 5 years

  10. Invest 8 million in Exxon-Mobil.  Put about half a million in various cd's.  Put a million or two into bonds.  Dump about 15 million in an IRA balancing out between about 40 different stock companies whom I'll choose at that given time.

    Give it about a year or two, wait to see how my investments do then go start to splurge on the spending little by little.

    Edit:  That doesn't add up.  First off cut about 40 percent away on taxes.  So my figures are 5 million on Exxon-Mobil, half a mil in bonds, a mil in cd's, and 8 million in IRA's.

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