
If you won the lottery, would you still work?

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If you won the lottery, would you still work even if just to keep yourself occupied? Or would you immediately quit and retire to a life of luxuries and careful investments?

If I won the lottery, I'd still work but I'd find an easy job just to keep myself occupied and not bored at home doing nothing. Since the job I choose will be very easy, it won't pay well but that's the thing, I wouldn't need the money anymore anyways.

What would you do?






  2. h**l no, money changes people. If I won the lottery I would become one of those bitter billioinaires who care about nothing but their money.

  3. h**l no!!!!!! I would read, workout, and relax for the rest of my life

  4. I think I would keep on working but less hours,be with my family more. Travel with them. I also would set up a scholarship account to help kids who don't have money to go to school. Spend some time to work as a volunteer. Pay off all of my debts and my family debts. Invest. invest.

  5. h**l no!  I'd become a writer or musician or something like that, but as far as a job?  No way.

  6. It would be a full time job managing 300 million.

  7. I wouldn't work for another person, but I would work for myself by setting up a charitable organization with part of my lottery winnings and then finding worthy causes to give the money away to.

  8. I'm retired so if I won the lottery I wouldn't work, I might volunteer for good causes.  Mostly I'd travel work on my hobbies, relax, and read all those letters from relatives I never knew I had.

  9. I'd still work, just in case I blow all the money on something stupid, like most lottery winners do.

  10. I am a flight attendant. There is no way I would continue. I would do charity work and probably run my own foundation.

  11. I would never again do ANYTHING that even resembled work.

    I can think of plenty of things to occupy my time besides work.  Bring on the winnings!!!

  12. I would probably use the money for artificial insemination (which can get super expensive).  Barring that works out the way I hope I would have children and be a stay at home mom with them for awhile if I could pull it off financially (which I could if i won the lottery).  I'd probably do that.  Eventually I  may go back to working in a day care (when my kids go to school) b/c i loved it, but I had to quit b/c the money was so terrible.  

    But BEFORE any of that I would travel with my girlfriend.  I lived in London for awhile and traveled and it was the most amazing time of my life.  I would love to do that with her this time.

    Of course buy a great house, boat, vacation home and take care of my parents and family.  

  13. I would still work......just not as much.

  14. Self employed and foster carer.

    I would like to get a big home with enough land to grow own veg and keep some chickens ans some other small animals.  Then I could foster children and provide a really great experience for them.

    I would also like to be part of the comunity and make a community area available to those that need it to help them build a good family life and employ people to make that possible.

  15. If I won the lottery I'd give half of it to my mother to pay off her bills and whatever else.

    I'd probably have a little side job so I don't get bored.

  16. I'd still want to work or I'd take up a ton of hobbies.

    With the money i don't need, I'd give to charities and such, try to make a fundamental difference in other people's lives (well, spend more time doing so anyways.)

    Oh to dream....

  17. depends how much i won..

    and if it was enough.. i would not work

    i would travel!  :)

  18. I may actually start working. I'm currently unemployed, however.

  19. I would work at getting children opportunities not available to  them otherwise.  

  20. If I won the lottery I would fund a movie I want to make. So, in essence, I would give myself my dream job... acting!

  21. With 1 million I can spend about $900.00 ever week for 20 year. And you said $300 million.

    NO I won't work its time to celebrate and live life. A person don't really need more that 4 million dollars to live large except if you are in big business.

  22. If I won that much money I would have people working for me. lol.

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