
If you won the lottery,whats the first thing you would do?

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If you won the lottery,whats the first thing you would do?




  1. think how lucky i am to win it again.

  2. I would buy the most expensive champagne and get

  3. pay my Bills then send ome to my Dad and sister because they have helped me. And I love them. Then help out a few people who need it.

  4. i would go and claim it duh!! whats it worth if u dont have it!!!  rite

  5. ...take a lump sum payment, pay off the taxes..then... all bills and outstanding loans and immediate family members... a house and for immediate family members...

    ...establish educational accounts for high school and college family members...

    ...purchase a new vehicles for wife and for me...

    ...take a long over due cruise around the world then visit various countries, we enjoyed...

    ...and help others who have helped our family too...

    ...thanks for asking...

  6. SCREAM!!!

  7. Throw a massive party to celebrate, loads of fireworks

    Pay off my house and then go traveling until I find something I feel strongly enough about to get involved in

    Inbetween trips I'd roll around with my friends entourage style for a bit (which I kinda do already except without all the luxury stuff)

  8. tithes,bills,finish the renovations on my house,more bills,put some aside for college.put the rest in the bank,after college start a bussiness

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