
If you won the lottery...

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how would you tell your family?

how much would you donate?

what would be the first thing you would buy?

how much would you give to your relatives?




  1. The first thing i would do is spend my money to meet you!!!

    By the way, I would'nt play the lottery in the first place

  2. Depends on how much I've won lol...But going on I've just won a few mill, I'd do the following:

    Not tell my family, i'd let them figure it out =]

    I would donate as much as I found fit in different organizations, ones of which I can see the progess my donation is making.

    The first thing I would buy would be my dream care, Mercedes =]

    I wouldn't give anything to my relatives. But I would help them out if needed and give gifts and such. But my siblings I put a little in their trust funds ^^

  3. i would tell them as i was screaming & crying of joy. it would depend on how much i won to know how much i would donate, but it would be a lot im sure. the first thing i would buy would probably not be an actual item, but pay off my school. i would give my relatives whatever they needed to live happily.  

  4. Find out what their wishes are (one per person/group), but don't tell them that you won the lotto. Answer their wishes. If you have a lot of money left, pay off a chunk of their debts. I believe you should keep at least 40 percent to yourself because 50 sounds too greedy. If you choose to get something for yourself first, you'll have that guilt. Finally take care of your worries, then treat yourself to something big. Invest the remainder.

  5. I would first have to let it sink in before I did anything rash.

    Donate,not sure yet haven't had time to think about it.

    Buy, a airline ticket for my son to visit us in Hungary.

    Give to relatives, depends on the person. I would rather set them up in their own business so that don't have to reley on me.Older relatives, I would help out with money but younger ones should just be helped enough to live on their own.

    Buying my umpthenth lottery ticket this weekend, hope I have the problem of dealing with my millons.

  6. I would donate half to charity i would call my family and tell them i would` bye a new phone and a little to relitives  

  7. I'd tell my family right away and depending upon the amount put money into a trust for them. Probably the only thing I'd buy would be a newer car. Regarding how much I'd give--- I would use most of the money -- and we're talking a really big winning-- to build a safe house for this country's "lost" (runaway/throw away) g*y (LBGT) kids, with a medical staff and atty to make sure all the kids' needs for food, clothing, and education were met. I want to provide that safe haven- a place for warmth and safety and companionship-  more than anything I could possibly want for myself.  

  8. It all depends on how much I won. If  the prize was in the millions I would be driven to my mothers house in a stretched limo wearing  a snow white suit, white shoes and a big brimmed white fuzzy hat. I would take wads of moola out of my pocket and just throw it in the air. I would donate the usual ten percent to the United Way. The first thing I would buy would be a black Dodge truck w/4 wheel drive, a shotgun and a rifle rack (w/weapons, of course!) and tinted windows.

  9. i would just call them and tell them.

    it would depend on how much i won, probably about 1/4 of what i won.

    a hot tub and a nice pool. =)

    it would depend on how much i won, again probably about 1/4 of what i won.

  10. Shout down the phone at them !!

    None - sorry.

    I don't know... Shopping trip first, then when I'm older a house/car

    I would give a quater to my brother and a quater to my parents.

  11. I would just flat out tell them.

    I would make an overall plan, and donating would be a part of that, so I don't know right off the top, but I am a generous person, so I would donate to the proper places, with care.

    The first thing I would buy would be a copy of AutoCAD software because that is what my husband and I promised each other as a joint birthday present to each other, and tomorrow is his birthday.

    I don't know either how much I would give to my relatives, but they would figure into the plan as well.

    All said, I would be VERY cautious with my investment of my winnings.  We are getting older, his health is not great, and our financial stability worries us, so this would be a Godsend.  However, I am not a gambler, so it will never happen...

  12. I would tell my family by sending them a letter with the lottery ticket I won in it

    I would donate 1/6 to my church and 3/6 to the people in darfur

    I would put some away for college and buy a car

    $10,000 to each relative

  13. start shouting excitedly

    whatever it was i'd donate 10 percent of it

    a house

    i'd just give to my family, not other relatives like uncles or aunites, just parents and sisters-equal amounts but slightly more for me!!!

  14. It depends alot of how much I won. Let's say $300 million.

    I would probably just call them.

    I would donate at the very least half...probably more.

    I would pay off all of my family's college bills, buy my dad and stepmom a house, my mom and stepdad a house, set up a fund for my sis so she could travel a bit, get a nice house when ready, and get a car...hmmm...I would set up retirement funds for my immediate family, buy myself a really nice house and car, and put aside alot so I can travel as much as I want for the rest of my life. And I'd take my family to Europe on vacation!

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