
If you won the lottery tomorrow? would it change your life or not?

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If you won the lottery tomorrow? would it change your life or not?




  1. Yes it would!  I wish I won it right now!  It would spare me a lot of time, hard work & my own money to pay off a couple of debts that are proving to be a pain in the bum.  I could fufil my dream of going to Europe, possibly buying something in London, and allow me to go visit my bestfriend in Darwin, who I haven't seen for 2yrs! =D  Plus I would be able to shop til I drop!

  2. yes!

  3. yes and clear my life of bills.

  4. Yes of course.  No more worries about what I can or cannot buy.  Being able to put the kids through college without a struggle.  Buying my parents their dream home.

    I can't stand people who win and say "It's not going to change me".  Why do the lottery in the first place then?

  5. depends on how big the win is..and if the win is really big like more than a million dollars then it would definately change my life, i would buy everything i ever desired like a really fast nice ride, a huge river side house and maybe just maybe change to part-time uni instead of full time. And also to play it smart, i would be sure to keep a decent amount of that million for investment to become richer, as the saying goes the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer:)

  6. Yes. I could get rid of the bill collectors, buy a home for my family and I could buy all the shoes my little heart desires. Oh yeah and I'd be RICH!!!! However, b/c I know the value of an earned dollar I would be very cautious as to how I spent the $$ and who I would give any $$ to. Also, I don;t think I would stop working(if I worked outside the house ---I'm a stat at home mom)because once yo did all the things that you wanted to do what would be left is empty time to spend your money that would wind up getting wasted on stupid stuff anyway.

  7. If I won a lottery (with a substantial amount) it would change my life in some ways, I will be the same person though. I will plan a long nice holiday, indulge in a few things I have always wanted for myself. In short, I will enjoy every penny of my prize money.

  8. yes, i think i'd change most anyones life. I'd pay my d**n bills

  9. Hello

    No. I will give to all the lottery Money to Poor Orphanage or School or Hospital.

  10. YES, A BIG WIN CERTAINLY WOULD make a great difference.

    i have gone over this so many times; the last time i wished it, my little  one said, ''£19 million is a lot of money, it would be a hard job to spend it, it would take a long time to spend that jackpot''.

    so i said, ok, get my diary and write this list down and she did. Within 3-4 minutes, i rattled off all that i wanted to do and asked her, 'how much is left for me, darling?  

    she said, 'oh, none really, 'cos u have exceeded 27 million already on all the good things u would do for family and friends and charities!!

  11. h**l YEAH!!!

  12. Depends on the amount I win if its abv a few million I will be in USA tryin to date Miley Cyrus or sumone well if i win 1k or sumthin i will be the same...

  13. YES LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  14. only dramatically!

  15. No, money does not buy happiness.

  16. It would. A lot.

  17. Yes dramatically!

  18. no id go on being the same person, doing the same things, only means id be able to buy things iv'e not been able too for a long long time.

  19. Depends on how much money is involved. I need at least $57K to get out of debt. The dollar left over is gravy :)

  20. yes it would

  21. Yes it would.  First I would travel more, study for my Master's Degree, and share with the family, friends and charities.  Also trade in my 8 yr old car.  Put a new roof on the house.   Who knows what else once the money is at hand.

  22. Yes, it would change my life.  I'd be able to retire!

  23. I think that would be inevitable.

  24. Oh Yeah! The first thing I'd do is buy the company I work for and teach my boss a lesson.

  25. It wouldn't change my thinking, although it would allow me to invest where I could not before.

  26. Yes of course it would JIm,

    It would with anyone,

    It certainly will stop the worry for where the money is going to come from for my Son's uni fees.

    It would be wonderful to give my Brother a lump sum and help him and his family too and to be able to help the needy on a wider scale.




    ¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)

    (¸.·´ (¸.·´

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