
If you won the lottery tonight?

by  |  earlier

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how would you spend the day tommorrow




  1. buying a gun and a security system.

  2. I have no chance of winning the lottery tonight as it's not on till Wednesday

  3. Trust me it would be no different than today. The more money you have the bigger things you will buy, so it equals it out. Money will not make you happy, yes it can help but you be surprised how little it changes you.

    Cheers Erwin.

  4. I'd spend it cashing in the ticket. When I finally got the money I'd earmark half for charities and a quarter of it for my relatives. The rest I'd mostly put in the bank.

  5. Smacked off my face in bed with 10 ho's.

  6. I would go on a shopping spree. And I would skive school.

  7. Honestly, I would get up and come to work.

  8. probably in the ER with heart palpitations

  9. Finding houses for most of my family. Getting my mum out of the care home and hiring 24 hour carers that we couldn't afford before.

  10. get out of britain and go to new zealand

  11. Packing to emigrate out of the UK instantly!!!

  12. buy a yacht and move to somewhere tropical,drink mai tai's all day.

  13. intoxicated and obnoxious

  14. Spending and bragging.  Yes, I don't care what you guys say, I'm selfish and I like it.

  15. SEE YA.

    Buying a new motorcycle & then SEE YA>>>>

  16. i would give it to you dude since your cool

  17. Househunting!

  18. I spend tomorrow thinking of ridiculous things to spend my money on, like hiring an orchestra to follow me around playing "Theme Music" for my life. :)

  19. I would leave my present town behind!

  20. Going round to all my so called relatives & wafting it in there faces & say

    "All our lives we have had to work our backsides off for every penny because we are not as educated as you lot are. Now we are rich i never want to see any of you again . When we were on the verge of being poor NOT ONCE NOT ONCE did any of you help. you kept away. You didnt want to know. Now we are doing the same to you. go away Shove off & live your sad little poor lives"

    Sorry about that but its how I feel about them

  21. i spend tonight

  22. You can only win it on Saturday and Wednesdays

  23. run away to america!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I wouldnt show up to work thats for sure. But then I would go the day after.

  25. I would call work and tell them what I really think and where they can stick it, then I would go house hunting!

  26. I'd have an enlargement !!!

  27. using the money

  28. grin, uncontrollably, then put half away :) the rest i would have to think before i spent it, more travelling maybe

  29. On a one way plane trip. (After telling my boss where to stick his job!)

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