
If you won the lottery what would u spend the money on?

by Guest33867  |  earlier

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the question is interesting gimee a star plz




  1. I would spend my time stuffing £20 notes into lap dancers knickers.


  2. I'd buy a big ol' piece of dirt and build my dream green home that's solar and wind powered. I'd also build a home for each one of our kids, get hubby a new truck, and start savings accounts for all my grandchildren. After that I'd put some to charitable causes on a regular basis.  

  3. A desert island with hunky well-oiled male go-go dancers to entertain me in the evening.

    But if I only won a tenner, then I'd spend it on my friend's birthday prezzie next week.


  4. OMG!!! on a lot of things such as.......Mmmmmm what a question, ur right it is interesting and u almost get me going on that one... crazy hey

  5. If I ever won the lotto I would buy myself a house my mum a house my sister and my brother a house, and with what ever is left over have one h**l of a hum ding party where everyone is invited.

  6. i would buy underground rooms for massive raves in suburbia. and a big *** speaker system. party houses for 15+ and partition for weed to be legal and beer/cider to be legal for 16+. and help people in need.

  7. hmm... where do i start!

    - i would buy a house in LA!

    - i would buy a Roxy factory outlet!

    - buy a plasma screen tv!

    - buy a go-kart!

    - buy LOADS of Wii games!

    - pay to meet Hilary Duff!

    - buy Loads of make-up!

    i cant think of any more right now!!

  8. I would buy a House  in the South of France,in the Languadoc or Italy.

  9. regular stuff probably. i'd feel really greedy and undeserving. got all this wealth from a lottery ticket, not through hard work or anything (it'd make me feel slightly bad, anyway, that's just me) so i wouldn't buy anything extravagant. then those concern ads would make me feel bad. i'm here living it up with my never-ending supply of cash eating caviar (even though i don't like fish never mind fish eggs, but hey, i won the lottery i can afford it) so i'd probably end up giving a load of money to them. not necessarily concern but some charity. or just someone worse off.

  10. buy a house, holidays, car and sort family and friends out

  11. Depending on exactly how much I win, I would probably pay off some debts (boring yes but the relief is awesome).  Get myself round the world first class ticket, and travel for six months and in that time decide what to do with myself.

  12. i stared you :P lol umm i would buy a new house.. car.. clothes.. just the usual c**p but better :P x

  13. Dont know

    first thing would be a batch of driving lessons

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