
If you won the lottery what would you do with the money?

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say it was 8 million




  1. quit my job and become a big fat loner

  2. Feel contented that my children would never go short of money, but they still wouldn't be spoiled and they would be expected to work in our family business.

  3. Share the wealth baby, share the wealth.

  4. Sell up, travel the world and have a rule that I would only leave a country when I had performed at least one good deed and made at least one friend there.

    I'd also buy a pot to p1ss in so that nobody would ever be able to say, "He won eight million quid, but now he doesn't have a pot to p1ss in."

  5. Let me think........

    spend it on a luxury lifestyle. how unique is that.

  6. Give up work, move house, buy house for close family members, get a couple of new cars and open my own chocolate shop!

  7. i will buy a farm that is far from cities

  8. I'd leave my booooooring job first of all! And then I'd buy two houses: one in the centre of London and one in the countryside of Chester.

    I'd spend the rest helping animals and buying books.

    Have a nice day?

    P.s. are you looking for tips on how to spend the money you won? Here I am, here I am!!!! ;)

  9. I would tell nobody and wouldn't change my life, but would use the money for  a greater feeling of security.

  10. Spend , spend , spend.

  11. I'd pay off my house and car put some in trust funds for my kids and see the rest of my family right, and find local charities to help

  12. Pay bills, splurge on clothes for me and family, buy a castle and another extra large house with a large yard and a swimming pool.

    After that then I would treat my friends.

  13. First of all I'll repay all my loans to all those who helped me at my bad days & would ask them if they needed more as loan from me. Then I'll spend money to get a good job or a business so that I could earn enough to maintain my future, because I KNOW too well, "Lottery-Money" ends up too quickly. Only fools will start luxurious life, spend all & would  be a begger again!

  14. Quit work. Buy a couple of homes and travel the world. Of course help family members.

    Save a couple million for later on in life, by locking it away for a few years. I would never want to win that kind of money and not have anything to show for it in a couple of years.

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