
If you won the national lottery wat would u use the money 4???

by  |  earlier

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Lik 4 collage, family ect, ect......... lol lucyxx




  1. I'd keep 1 or 2 million and give the rest out among family and friends

  2. Pay whatever i owe and then give some to help out my family/my church and a little on me.Then the extra would go in the bank.

  3. Depends how much I on, some might go in the bank for later and the other 1/3 would go to Uganda childrren and my trip to go there :)

  4. Use like 10% for paying off whatever I owe, buying a house/car, taking vacations, etc.

    Invest 90%

  5. Well I'd quit my job cause it sucks, donate to the church, charity,esp for aids and cancer research, establish a scholarship fund to assist children who cannot afford education, buy my mom a house, one for me too,pay off all my bills, help friends n family pay off theirs too, treat myself n travel a bit, go on a nice vacation and invest the balance so that I would have a secure financial future. Oh how I wish I had a million dollars or more lol. its good to dream though.

  6. Pay for the rest 2012 Olympics

  7. buy myself a house on about 20 acres. Pay off the debt of my family and friends. Invest. Spend more time writing and traveling. Save and Save some more.

  8. give atleast 10 percent to my church.  Then get out of debt.  Give money to my kids for college/wedding -2 are in college and 1 is getting married next year..

    then buy a car. Go on vacation.  

    save alot, spend some, share some!

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