
If you worn black contact lens what would be the reaction when people seen you?

by Guest64639  |  earlier

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How do you think people would react seeing you with totaly black eyes.Would they run screaming from the bus.Would you cause a panic stampede at Mc donalds.Would it look make a good fashion statement.




  1. they would probably ask you why you have block eyes and you tell them you got black contact in

  2. Speaking for myself,I would see it as a cry for attention.

  3. probably revulsion-I'd love to try it-also would love those tiger eye contacts

  4. Me I would see them as if they had sunglasses  on and that is the way every body should be

    E.T.s are no different then any other culture

    and if people cant respect that then there soul and heartless

    and deserve to be scared

    hello weyne  remember me the voice

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