
If you would to manage a baseball team what team would it be and what would be your manger style?

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Think i would be the gritty manger who would get mad at a lot of calls and fight for my team like a Lou Pennila and Bobby Cox type.I'll also take a lot of risk that might or might not do well.I think I would love to be manger of the Boston Red Sox.(Favorite team)




  1. Definitely Mike Scioscia, he gets his players motivated to play hard and gets them to play small ball and that wins games. He is also fiery enough to get thrown out of a game every now and then, if not him than Joe Torre, they have been the 2 best managers for the last ten years hence Scioscia being the longest tenured to any one team in the league

  2. The Det. Tigers and fire all the pitchers and stop dropping so much money on no-talent players like Dontrelle Willis.

  3. Rangers and i would be a team like a combo of bill parcels  and avery johnson

  4. I would manage the L.A. Dodgers with a blend of Tommy Lasorda craziness and Joe Torre swagger. If the team are down or the ump make a bad call, I would pull a Tommy Lasorda to get the team pumped up. When making managing the game and clubhouse under pressure, I'd become a Joe Torre to get the job done.

  5. I would want to manage the Mariners, because I've lived in the Seattle area my entire life and I've been a Mariners fan since I was old enough to know what baseball was (even through the endless last place seasons. This year is actually a great reminder of my childhood days of rooting for a team that was 20 games out of first place by the all-star break).

    I would be a small-ball manager. I would put on lots of hit-and-runs, I'd let my faster runners steal, and I would bunt runners over and play for one run at a time. Its not that I don't love a 3 run homer, but I think most teams could score more runs if they played small-ball to get one run at a time, rather than just swinging away and hoping for one or two big innings per game.

    Also, as someone with over a decade of experience umpireing, I'm pretty hard on umps. I understand that close calls can go either way, but when calls aren't that close, or when umpires are out of position or make other mental mistakes, I'm all over them. This is already true just when I play slow-pitch softball, I see no reason why I would back off if I became an MLB manager.

  6. I would be the manager of the St. Louis Cardinals, favorite team, because it would be fun to coach such a rich baseball team and have great fans backing you up. Also, it would be amazing to coach against the Chicago Cubs 4 or 5 times a year. Playoff atmosphere everytime. I would also be a Lou Piniella type coach as well. That is how I am at home watching a game, so I can guarantee those umps would have bad days with me out there. I would also love to stay away from over managing, cause the Cards have seen that way too much in the past 10 years from LaRussa. Don't get me wrong, I respect the guy for winning, but his managing just kills me. The lineup is totally different EVERY night and we over-use the bullpen like a rental car. I would steer clear of all of that in my managing.  

  7. The team is not important.

    Managerial smarts are not common.

    Scoiscia's way is almost unbeatable.

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