
If you write a poem?..?

by Guest33890  |  earlier

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Does it have to rhyme? Or is that not necessary? Just wonder that because i read here so many poems in here and i think how can they do that? Sometimes i have 1 line in my head but i don't get further then that lolz or maybe i'm not trying to. I really love to read poems and quotes coz mostley they based on life or what you have experiance something in life.

I have lately this line in my head: I look in the mirror and ask myself who am i.

Love from Mystry.




  1. If your thoughts are so intense that when put on a poem they touch the reader without a rhyme, then the poem doesn't have to rhyme. Rhyming is just to give the poem a specific sound or tune. Although rhyming does sometimes make your poems better, they also ruin the feelings of the poems. So if you want your poem to have a musical tune, you can rhyme it. If you want to lay your emphaises on the feelings, better don't rhyme.

  2. NOOOOOO it does not need to rhyme to be poetry. free verse doesn't.  rhyming gets easier with practices, and a lot of times a poem with accidentally start rhyming, then you can tweak it so the whole poem follows the flow and rhyme pattern. I'd really encourage you to write down the lines that randomly pop into your head-- those are usually the best. cause when you force your self to write poetry: it ends up sounding fake and like you're copying some other poet and not writing your own thoughts and feelings.

    well, you got a start: keep going. for me, sometimes music or a tune will go with a line, so i repeat the tune w/out the words i just wrote and see what other verses fit to the music. that way i end up with a flow, a consistency... i can't think of the right word. but a rhythm to the poem even when it doesn't rhyme. I either then, leave it as a poem... or sometimes what looks like a really long run on sentence, or turn it into lyrics (add the chorus, you know... all that lovely stuff).


    You might enjoy this site where all the different types of poems are listed.  

    Rhyming poems only constitute one style you can use in writing poetry.

  4. Depends...

    If the idea strikes you in rhyme, rhyme it.

    If the inspiration however doesn't come in rhyme... don't force it.

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