
If you(or your wife)were pregnant with a retarded baby, would you (or insist your wife) have an abortion?

by Guest33648  |  earlier

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If you (or your wife) were pregnant with a baby who you knew was gonna be retarded, would you have an abortion, or advocate your wife have one?

Personally, I would have her get an abortion quicker than light travels through air. I would do this mainly because the baby would suffer more living than not so. And I wouldn't want a defective child, it would be no fun and just a drag and embarrassment.




  1. You have problems!!!  To KILL a child because it's not "perfect" is so many kinds of wrong.  

    No matter how my children are born, they are my precious babies and I will love and cherish them!!!!!

  2. All children are a gift from God. I work with special needs children in my classroom and at my church. I have learned so much from them and they are such a joy. Through them I have learned to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. I would never even think about having an abortion just because I would have a special needs child.

  3. are you sure you weren't born retarted? i think you're an embarassment.

  4. Personally, I think you've got to be the dumbest person ever. Any child is a blessing. NO MATTER WHAT!!! People who have a disability can live a normal life. I mean you do don't you!!!  

  5. I would never get an abortion for any reason but one of my best friends was told her baby would have all kinds of problems and not live but just a few years and be retarted and he was born and is perfectly fine.  He has NO problems at all...hardly ever even sick with a cold.  So you never know.  Which we believe God is was healed him before he was born but the test can be wrong!

  6. Obviously you're not the brightest crayon in the box and your mom didn't abort you.

    As the mother of a special needs disgust me!!!

  7. that is not true. when i was pregnant with my oldest i was told that she was going to have spineabiphita. she would be fine just in a wheel chair. they also told me she was going to have downsyndrome but i still wanted her anyway. she would not be in any pain just slow. god blessed her and she was perfectly healthy when she was born not one thing wrong. if i went by the doctors and got an abortion then i would have killed a perfectly healthy baby. it is not an embarrassment and if you think so then you need to grow up.

  8. I would abort a mentally ill child, depending on the severity of the illness because I wouldn't want to put my kid through something like that, I don't know how people can actually do that. And It would NOT be an embarrassment whatsoever, I don't know where you're getting that.  It would be the baby that you conjured up so you would have no right to be embarrassed by him or her.  

  9. I would put the situation in the Lords hands, he knows best.

  10. I am 100% against abortions that are done for no reason but when it comes to the quality of life of a child i do agree with having one if that is the parents wish i wouldn't pressure you partner / wife into having one but i certainly would voice my concerns.

    I know you might get allot of flag for posting this question on here and i am usually the first one to send a nasty message but your circumstances are different to most.

    This is something that you and your partner need to decide as this is still a living baby and you are his or her dad and i know that if you decide to keep it your love for the baby would be no different then if he or she was to be healthy.

    please remember that your child is not an embarrassment everyone is individual in there own way.

    I hope this helps

  11. whether my baby is retarded as you say, i will love it because it belongs to me and i know t will not like to be abandoned., i will love it no matter what.

  12. Your sick!  A child is a blessing no matter what challenges life gives don't deserve children  

  13. some of you are answering if my child was mentally ill which usually means a form of depression which you wouldn't even know if the child had until after birth

  14. Personally I think your defective, and that your retarded in your thoughts.  I have never met a child with downs syndrome to know anything but love.  My uncle who is certified by the state as not being mentally apt is much smarter than you and would always respect a human and human life, he is much more of a normal person than you could ever pretend to be.  

    How on earth can you determine what a child suffering would be unless you are the one inflicting the pain and hatred in their life.

    Abortion is Killing and unfortunatly your parents didn't think before having you.

    Edit:  This monster asking the questions belives there should be no s*x registry for sexual offenders, he thinks they server their time and need not be punished anymore.

  15. There's no such thing as a 'defective child' and children with special needs have just as much right to live as children without. I work with special needs children and they are so amazing. They have so much strength and are so full of life. They are wonderful to be around. Also, the baby wouldn't be an embarrassment if the parent knows how to embrace them. To abort for that reason is crazy.

  16. The percentage of disabled babies that are aborted are horrifying.

    It breaks my heart.

    Why is it that women decide to have a baby, and make the promise to love and cherish that child, and the minute plans change a little, they abort.

    It's still your child.

    Ask anyone with metal illness if they would have rather been aborted, to spare the years of torture and ridicule.

    I think you already know your answer.

    At this age personally, I might consider putting a special needs baby up for adoption, simply because at my age, 19 years old, I really don't have the resources to support a child like that. If I knew he would be placed in a loving home, I would put him up for adoption, so he could have the best life possible.

    If I knew he'd be bounced around the foster care system, then I'd have to get a network of support and help to help me raise that child to the best of my ability.

    "retarded" or not, he'd still be my son.

  17. Personally i have two children whom are not retarded but i think that children in any way and form are beautiful and a gift that should be treasured however you do not sound like you could handle having a disabled child so i would suggest that you let your partner or wife know what you are thinking... but in the end it is her decision she is the one carrying the child and that is a totally different experience to being the father, and there is the possibility of her not being able to get pregnant again if she has an abortion. if she does continue i would also suggest asking the doctors if it is a gene defect.  

  18. Who are you to determine the quality of life your child will have....just because your child is to have a disability does not mean it is unable to have a worthwhile life.  In modern times, people with disablities are achieveing as much if not more than someone who does not have one.

    Yes the child might be a little more effort but every child deserves to have a chance at life....

  19. Nope, I couldn't do it.

    btw - you sound like you are just trying to p*ss people off. Troll perhaps?

  20. You know there is definately something wrong here, a child is a child no matter whether they will have special needs or not. I cant believe someone would suggest that, your parents did not have an abortion just because you have mental problems did they? **** hole

  21. you are such an ******.  an embarressment? i have fetal alcohol syndrome, and i had foster parents that raised me as one of their own. i call them mom and dad to this day. i was in a foster home because my real mother is a drunk. but how could you not want any child? i know why. because its work that is why. you are afraid to work to let an innocent life live as normal a life as possible. you are such a fricken ******.  

  22. You said it; you would be embarassed.

    It's clear that you love yourself more than your own child.

    You're the embarassment.

  23. i know that raising a handicapped child would be difficult but, i would still let them experience life. that and my sister would hate me for killing the fetus.(shes a special ed teacher)

  24. NEVER!!! My husband and I have talked about this. We decided not to get the amino test for downs done. This our child and we will love him no matter what.

    I was in special ed classes through out all my years in school. My parents were told that I was border line mental retarded. That I would never be able to keep up with the other kids in school and that I would graduate near the back of my class. I would love to find those doctors and tell them that they were wrong. I was at the top 10% of my class. I surpassed many things that doctors said I wouldn't be able to do.

    I have also worked with many people with varying handicaps and many of them are the nicest people you could possible meet. Even with a handicap people can live normal lives.

    My best friends daughter passed away last Nov. She had epilepsy and it had caused a lot of brain damage. The day that little girl died there were many, many people crying. We all loved that girl and it's hard in knowing that we'll never get to see her smile or laugh again. I know even if my friend knew what was going to happen she would never have aborted that little girl.  She was the biggest joy in her families life.

    No child is an embarrassment because of a mental disorder or handicap!!!!


    Oldest son Dylan (4), 25 weeks 2 days with Daniel (will be loved no matter of how he comes out!!)

  25. No, I would not. Mentally handicapped people have just as much of a right to live as anyone else. Sure you can say, "I don't want a disabled child,"  but sometimes it's out of your control. For instance, if your child is autistic or deaf, then you won't know until after they are born. And what happens if your child is born healthy, typical, and non-disabled, but then gets hit by a car when he is six years old and winds up paralyzed and mentally retarded for the rest of his life?  You can't just pick and choose what kind of child you will have. Parents need to love and whatever child God/Nature hands them. If you can't handle the possibility of having a disabled child, then you really shouldn't procreate at all.  

  26. Troll post or not, this isn't the kind of thing that is remotely funny.  I don't suppose it ever crossed your mind that there are posters here who have been faced with that very decision, and your making light of their situations is beyond distasteful.  I doubt that any of them think of their special needs children as "a drag and embarrassment."

    Shame on you.

    EDIT: "you can tell if the baby is retarded BEFORE its born by amniocentesis."

    No you can't, you ignoramus.  You can tell if the baby has the standard number of chromosomes by amniocentesis, which would alert you to things such as Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) or other Trisomy conditions, such as Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13), Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18), etc. as well as any large deletions of sections of a chromosome.  But that is all amniocentesis can tell you.

    There are many causes of physical and mental impairments.  Down Syndrome is not the only one.

  27. your a jerk i dislike you now

  28. Really is that so? So you have experienced being torn apart and discarded on a table. Your so rude! If your wife is expecting a child that is retarded? Its alive now even if its not full term yet! It has a heart beat and arms and legs and can even feel pain! So no I would not because God gives you what you get. A statement like that is like saying if it has green eyes will get rid of it! Not to mention there are people who will adopt a special needs child. That is what I would do. Why make your wife go through more pain by having her kill her child? Give the baby up if you can't handle the challenge? Heck most of my special needs kids on my bus behaved better than supposed normal kids! So no I wouldn't!

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