
If your 12 year old daughter asked you for birth control and condoms?

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would you get it for her?




  1. i think its time for her to talk about s*x.. as a child she's entering to world of curiosity; complicated i might say.. i think you should have a talked with her about s*x..pregnancy and tell her what is your rules or guidelines..if your just going to be mad and locked her up..she still going to find her self to do it, where not there all the times..and probably she might be scared to you..and hide some secrets..

    Its ok to ask question thats why we're here as a parents to guide them...make them feel comfortable to ask question and aside with that make see that your rules must be followed...goodluck

  2. she might not be having s*x just because she asked for these. You need to have a s*x talk with her. I was very open with my mom about my s*x life, and it worked for me, I wasnt sexually active until I was 17, and am now 25 pregnant with my first child. But kids are having s*x younger and younger and I think its better safe then sorry, and if you have an open relationship with your daughter she is more likely to come to you when she is having s*x. Look at it this way would you rather get her birth control and condoms, or ignore this and have her come to you 6 months to a year from now b/c shes pregnant? Talk with your daughter, at least she came to you, trust her to do the right thing

  3. LOCK her in her room till she's 18yo!

  4. No.  Children are to be raised with morals and values, children don't have s*x.

    It CAN be done, and it's a shame that more parents aren't doing that.

  5. It says alot for your relationship that she felt comfortable enough to talk to you about this. Get her the birth control pills and enough condoms for her a every friends she has. Tell her you are not giving your blessing. But your not stupid. She will do this sooner or later. Hopefully later. Make sure she knows that you don't think she is ready for s*x and all of the mind games that come with. Then hug her. Tell her you love her.  Bottom line is when it is time for her to start college, you want her with no diseases or  babies because she made a stupid choice.

  6. What is wrong with some of you?  NO I would not dole out birth control pills or condoms to a TWELVE year old.  A child should not be having s*x, end of story.  I would answer any questions she may have about s*x, but no way in h**l would I give her contraceptives.  That's just asking for grandchildren at that point.  Twelve is not even a teenager.  

    I can see why teen pregnancy is on the rise.....

    *Baby #1 Due 12/25*

    Did I ever say I won't talk to my kids about s*x?  NOPE.  I said I will not give my 12, 13, 14, teenage child birth control or contraceptives.  They will learn self control and if they decide to have s*x as a child then they will take responsibility for the actions.  I will not aide them by giving them one less thing to worry about.  I'm never going to encourage my kids to have s*x.  I can't wait for all these parents who give their kids birth control and condoms to have teenage children who become parents as teens so they can see what a dumb idea it is.

    12 years old is too young to be having s*x.  I know they'll think about it, but by God I will be doing all I can to prevent them from engaging in s*x as a child.  People like you amaze me with your crazy statements.  Let's just give all 12 year olds birth control, heck why not at 10?  Let's encourage children having s*x!

  7. My parents kept me locked up and scared to look at boys and with that being said he was my first.  I would explain to her that she as a young woman is special and that saving herself for that special person is worth the wait and if she still wants it I would tell her that condoms and birth control does not always work and they don't prevent sexually transmitted diseases so no I would not get it for her but I would not make her feel like she has to go behind my back and do get it from someone else. If that does not work she needs a @^% whipping.

  8. talk first. Always talk. Ask why she wants them? It could be everyone else gets them and she just wants to be like other kids or she wants to use them. Most likely she doesnt even know how to use them. I am no parent, but a student so this is only my experience from dealing with preteens and teens. We are curious, if we dont know we want to find out. Your child is probably more curious than anything. Talk to her. Have a serious talk about s*x, watch her birth video, talk about what happens. If she knows a lot of her curiousity will be taken care off. Be clear that it is something for older people, like you have to wait to drive, wait to stay up past midnight etc, s*x you also have to wait. If all you do is yell at her she won't understand and only think you a mean person and be MORE determined to find out through experimentation or the "info" she gets from her friends...

  9. Oh easy...beat her a*s! For real though, I would be very careful about who she hangs around with, offer her support (by listening and not let her feel you are judging her, after all, she trusts you enough to come to you for that, so be sensitive) explain the risks (disease, pregnancy...etc)....but she's only 12 so you have more control over what you allow her to do that might allow a sexual encounter, so keep he ron a tight leash! Hope that helps!


  11. YES! better safe then sorry. If she is thinking about having s*x, she will do it if you give her what she asked for or not...wouldn't you rather know she isn't gonna get pregnant or an std? But I would ALSO have a LONG talk with her about s*x and all its consequences, and make it very clear that she can come to me no matter what happens.

  12. No. She'd be grounded for 6 years, litterally.

  13. i would smack her silly.

  14. yes no doubt if u dont then she will feel like the one person she thought she trusted doesnt and she'll just do it behind your back

  15. Slap her till she forgets what s*x is.

  16. I guess if she is going to go have s*x with or without it I would rather her be safe but let her know that I really don't want her having s*x and get her some education I would have a hear attack  if she did tho  that's so young but rather her be safe than be 13 and pregnant but maybe if i was in that position i would not do it ?

  17. Honestly I would have a long talk with her about s*x, respecting yourself, how important a girl's virginity is, finding the right boy, etc.

    When I was a teenager, I never had a mother who talked about any of this stuff with me. Needless to say, I got myself in a lot of trouble as a teen. And I sincerely regret it, even to this day. I feel like if my mother had been more open and approachable I might have chosen completely different paths.

    Being angry at your child for asking about birth control is not a good idea. You should be proud that they had enough courage and responsibility to come to you. But, at the same time it should be giving you a head's up on WHY your daughter feels the need to have s*x at such a young age.

    Something is lacking there and this is her way of crying out for help. She doesn't have enough self esteem, respect, or love for herself. Something is wrong. So, I would try to resolve those issues.

    Giving her condoms can never hurt either. A lot of people think if you hand a teen a condom then you are giving your permission for them to have s*x. That is not true at all. They WILL have s*x regardless whether or not you hand them that condom. Your job is to hand them the condom and have a long discussion on responsible s*x (both mentally and physically). Then when they decide to have s*x, they will have safe s*x.

    That is my opinion anyway as a mother to two daughters. I hope I helped some and good luck!

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