
If your 16 and you have s*x with someone thats under 16 whats the penalty?

by Guest33190  |  earlier

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If your 16 and you have s*x with someone thats under 16 whats the penalty?




  1. It depends on which state you live in.

  2. with my past experience in Missouri it involved me at 16 and my now ex-girlfriend who was 2 1/2 months from fifteen and I was facing statutory rape. I don't know your situation but I'd guess it would be the same if you got caught.  

  3. Depends on the laws in your state.  For most states, someone under seventeen is legally not able to consent to the s*x act and that means both parties.  You could say she forced you into it just as easily as she can say YOU did.....

  4. It varies wildly depending on where you live from nothing at all to prison time and registering as a s*x offender.

  5. I guess this would depend on HOW MUCH younger than 16 we're talking..

  6. Castration.

  7. You're parents give you the "s*x Talk"?

  8. It depends on the state that you're in. Let's say the age of consent in your state is 16. If you're 16, and have s*x with someone who is 15, that's statutory rape, which is a felony in most states. Find out the age of consent in your state and play it safe, rather than risk getting in trouble.  

  9. If someone tattles on you, JAIL BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    No, just go drink some orange juice

  10. that depends on what your parents are going to do about it if they find out.  

  11. depending on the state you are in, it could be statutory rape. it is a serious offense. that means that there does not have to be a victim accusing you of rape-even consensual s*x with someone not of legal age of consent is considered statutory rape. there are different ages for both parties across states.

  12. well, since your both still minors i guess itd only be illegal if one of you were 18+. so, i guess its ok to continue. just make sure you have protection at all times!

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