
If your 16 can you drink in mexico with parents consent?

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we are leaving this weekend and i know that the legal age is 18 but we are staying in a resort and i didn't know if with my parents ok if it's legal to drink




  1. It depends on where you go.

    Northern Mexico is very strict on the drinking laws. The legal age is 18, in Mexico.

    In Southern and Central Mexico, they're less strict. And they don't card you. So as  long as you don't say anything, you'll be fine.

    Though, a lot of Kids can sneak into clubs in Northern Mexico and get away with it. Just don't say anything.

  2. If you have your parents consent, YES YOU CAN.

  3. Legal age is 18, and if you want to act legal, you know what to do.

    Obviously, there are many underaged boys and girls who drink  and I don´t think they have a "parents consent" thing.

    Just go and enjoy Mexico. It is a shame that people travel outside their country and just want to get drunk. What´s the point then?

  4. The drinking age as you say is 18 but you'll find that enforcement of the drinking age isn't that good and you probably won't get anyone checking your id. What is enforced and can land you in jail is public drinking or getting drunk in public.

  5. I grew up going to mexico every year..i always remember being able to go the little store and go get my dad beer! they never ever cared... As long as I gave them money lol... I was young like 9 or 10....The adults would always send us to the store to go get it.

    So who knows what the age limit is

  6. If you're going to a resort ask  your parents ahead of time if you can get a bracelet that will allow you to get drinks,if they say no most of the time the bar guys will accomodate you.Be sensible not stupid and never go into town and get drunk.You could go to jail and mom and dad can't get you out because their laws are not our laws.All they see are $$$.

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