
If your 17 year old DAUGHTER WAS PREGNANT..?

by  |  earlier

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which would be a higher priority, running for vice president or recognizing that your family is facing a crisis and needs your total undivided attention?

oh, and no, i am not coming at this from a political point of view, i am a registered who has voted for just as many, if not more republicans than democrats but i believe that family comes first and her family is obviously facing an issue that she should be devoting ALL her time too which Palin will not be able to do on the campaign trail,your thoughts.




  1. I agree with you tenfold.

    However, there is one thing you have to keep in mind, the only people who CAN run a political career in the land of the free are the richest of rich.  His family is WAY more capable of dealing with this no matter where the grandfather to be works.  Unlike the average American family who would be facing a crisis in this situation, they won't even notice another mouth to feed and I highly doubt the soon to be mommy will have any problems raising her child.

  2. I would beat her

  3. I would choose my family


    although i would be more shocked that i had a daughter :D

  4. Sadly to say, the kid should have had the attention of her mother long before now.  We raise our kids the best we can and when they get to a certain age, which varies among them, they do what they want anyway and all we can do is hope they have learned something along the way.  The fact is that sexual relations among teens is rampant now days and what parents say or teach them is not being learned and followed anyway.  

    The child is 17 and now that she is pregnant is considered an adult because she has made adult choices.  Teenage pregnancy with the support of a family is not a big crisis.  The crisis is when that pregnant teen is shunned by her family and left along to deal with it without  support and love.  This family is handling it the way it should be done, face it and deal with it.  

    Teens make poor choices a lot and this is one of the major ones that affects so many lives.  The girl will be able to handle it just as any other teen does with help and her mother is there if she is needed.  

    I give that mom a thumbs up ^.  

    It's too late to give all her time to the pregnant teen's issues those were decided when the girl concieved.  Many women work all durning their own pregnancies and child rearing years.  The girl can handle it.

  5. Having a baby isn't a crisis.

    It's a joy, and I do know being 17 is young.

    But life does throw you some curveballs.

    You just need family support.

  6. First I would be devasted if I had a daughter that came home pregnant.  I guess devasted is not the word, I would be very dissapointed.  But everyone makes mistakes.  If you're smart, you learn from those mistakes.  Just because her daughter is pregnant doesn't mean she should quit her job or step down from running for the VP.  If anything, it shows me that she does have integrity and will support her daughter.  I don't know how everyone else feels, but I think Palin is fiesty and has got spunk and that is what we need.  I like her.

  7. I don't necessarily think a teen pregnancy is a "crisis".  Palin doesn't have to give up her nod as VP just because her daughter is pregnant.  After all, do we all know when her daughter turns 18?  If it is soon, then she is an adult and therefore, can do as she pleases without her mother hovering over her.  Mothers of teens who become pregnant don't need to "devote" all their time to their daughters.  A mother can work and a daughter can attend school.  What should she do then?  Give up her seat in Congress just to sit home and babysit her daughter.  It's her daughter's mistake, not hers.  Why should she give up her life to devote to her daughter?  Her daughter should now realize that if she keeps the baby, she will have to give up her own dreams to raise her child.  

  8. I would disown her

  9. That means I got laid before I was made. d**n!

  10. Considering the fact that family is supposed to be the basic cell of society and that families without stability fracture society as well, I would say that the family crisis should be resolved first and then, life should go on.

  11. This is hard because i was a teenage mother at 16. My parents never stopped working and let me figure out my own life with tough love. I grew up to graduate high school and have a good job. I did have support to some point from my mother but that was not a reason to put her life on hold because of me. This situation happens to teen daughters around the world no matter what status you are nor where you come from. The vice president shouldnt be put in question to what she is doing and if its wrong as a mother.  

  12. first of all i would beat her what senses does it make she is till going to be pregnant i would help  her and make her take responsible it  

  13. FAMILY FIRST!!!! There's just no other option for me! Teen pregnancy IS a crisis, but I would support my daughter and grandchild in ANY way I could. And people, 17 is way to young! Most 17 yr olds I know still get money from mommy and daddy to go to the mall with their little friends. And they're supposed to be responsible enough to raise a child?

  14. I have no kids but I currently have a sister who is the same age and is pregnant as well. The way we look at it is family comes first, especially if its your child.

  15. i would be extremely FURIOUS at her, but i wouldn't show it, she has a big enough problem as it is,i wouldn't want to add to it... but i would tell her to make the decision for herself, and make sure she chooses right, because either way, it could destroy a life

  16. wolfie dear ,

    the damage has already been done. the daughter { bristol } is taking responsibility for her actions , and doing the right thing by having the baby. she must be in love with the guy , they are supposedly getting married after the baby is born. she is 17 , so she knew right from wrong , and to be honest there really is nothing more her mother can do for her until after the baby is born.  

  17. Family is always first with me - and I too have voted in every election since I was 18 for more Rep. - but I will not vote for Obama - he has no experience.


    Susie and LOVE MY TIGER!

  18. How are they facing a crisis? I was 17 when I was pregnant with my son. I was raised properly. Just made a bad choice. My parents stood by me. My son is now 8 and on the Honor Roll for the past 2 years. Why should her daughter being pregnant interfere with her work? Or why should people be prying into her personal life for that matter?

    *How is 17 WAY to young? That is one year away from being legally able to do whatever you want. 13 is way to young to be having a baby, and yes it does happen. Being way to young isn't an age thing, it's a maturity, responsibility level. So no she isn't 'to young' to be having a baby.

  19. Finding the guy who inpregnated her would be my highest priority.

  20. Why is it a crisis?  Women get pregnant all the time.  It isn't like it is some unusual thing.  I think taking care of your family WHILE continuing to do your job is very important and gives others the idea of just how well you'll do later.

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