
If your 2 dogs.....?

by Guest44890  |  earlier

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Slept like this,

would you buy a bigger bed for them both, or a second one for them? :)

My puppy Lollipop still sleeps in her crate at night, and my older dog Daisy is so mellow I let go her wherever she wants (usually next to my hubby's side of the bed though.) During the day I will usually find the 2 dogs napping together, in any area of the house, not just in Daisy's bed!

I haven't bought the puppy a bed yet, if put a blanket or anything soft in the crate yet, she pees on it!!




  1. bigger bed! they are sooooooo cute!

  2. Definitely get a larger bed, those two are their own pack and obviously LOVE sleeping together. If they didn't they wouldn't sleep together in a bed that small. Very cute, I must say.  Hope this helps!

  3. I dont think that Lolli will sleep on it, Im guessing she thinks of Daisy as her mom and feels most comfotable like that...but If you want to, go for it!!

  4. i didn't do this intentionally but when my dogs were still crated, i had one huge crate and one medium crate and would keep them separate. one day when putting them in to go to work, i put the first dog in the larger crate and before i could shut the door, the second dog ran in there with her and wouldn't come out.  i tried for a while and gave up so i wasn't late to work.  they stayed crated together for a few months before trusting them enough to leave alone.  i don't think it was good that i did that but it goes to show that they like to be close together.  i have many beds for my dogs, sometimes they are on one each and other times they share.  you might want to try a larger one and a smaller one so they have the option.

  5. Cute dogs :)

    If anything, I would buy a bigger bed that would fit both of them.  My sister has 2 little dogs that have become so close together that they started sleeping together in the same dog bed lol.

    She bought a bigger bed and now they sleep with each other all the time.  Hopefully this will help.

  6. Nah, I'd leave them alone.

    Max & Roxy had an issue like that for a while, we bought Max a sleeper pillow, and we hadn't had the chance to buy Roxy one, so the two of them would collapse on it and sleep together. When we bought Roxy her own, she preferred to sleep with Max.

    If anything, you can get a larger bed, but chances are they'd go sleep in the old one!


  7. Meh.. they look comfy.. I wouldn't bother buying another bed unless they start bickering over it. if you have an old comforter just fold it and sew the edges shut it makes a nice easy and cheap! dog bed.  

  8. You may want to buy a bigger bed for them both.  It may not work.  As for the peeing in the crate the crate may be to big for her right now.You may want to try to block the back end of the crate off.  Dogs don't usually pee where they sleep.

  9. Your dogs are too adorable!!

    Judgerz is correct in my opinion, I'd try getting the same type of bed - but large enough for both of them...keeping their small bed handy, since they obviously both love it!

    I can't tell you how many beds I have purchased, because it was 'better' for my dogs...but they sprawl like your dogs - and share, and lay on the floor - while the new orthopedic, heated, bed sits there unused...

    But what are you going to do?!  

  10. Lmao, that's adorable.

    I'd just buy a bigger bed but keep the one they're using right now available. They probably won't change their habits, but if they do there will still be a second option.  

  11. I LOVE that second pic - the look like they would prefer if you to stop playing paparazzi while they are trying to catch some Zs. I'd say go and get a bigger bed and let them continue napping together.

  12. buy one big bed because they're probably used to sleeping beside each other!

    and btw your dogs are SO cute!

  13. yeah you should buy a second one for the bigger dog and the little dog sleeps in the little bed

  14. Get a bigger one so they both can sleep together they look pretty content with each other, also keep the second just in case they want their alone time.

    They look too cute!!

  15. just buy 1 big bed

  16. Love the pics, too cute. I would buy a big dog bed, one of the pillow ones. This way they can still sleep together.  

  17. Oh that is so cute!  I love that first pic.

    If you don't think the puppy would even sleep in it and they are comfortable laying like that, I wouldn't bother.  I have bought my pup 3 or 4 different beds and he wouldn't sleep in a one of them, so I just gave up.  He sleeps with me usually anyway, he's a big pillow hog.

    They are so funny!

  18. i would buy a bigger bed for them and try and transfer their smell to it,so that they feel that they can sleep on it. maybe try to put a blanket on the bed that they share all the time to make it smell like them, take away that bed and place a new one where the old one was with the blanket on it so it smells like them. i hope that helped! good luck!  

    ps those are adorable pics! :)
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