
If your 6 year-old girl comes up and tells you that some dude told her that he'll marry her 12 years later...?

by  |  earlier

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This happened to a friend of mines 2 days ago. She says it sounds sweet at first, but still so wrong even child abusive. What are your feelings?




  1. how old was the dude, and that is kinda weird

  2. How is this "child abuse?" If it's another little kid, they say things like this all the time to each other. If it's an adult, sometimes they say things like this in a joking manner. I wouldn't take it seriously unless the guy is an adult and creepy. SHe should supervise when the girl is around him.

  3. If it was another 6 year old, it is a little strange that they would pick the age when she would be a legal adult...I think most 6 year old children would say when I grow up. Otherwise it is very inappropriate, but it really depends on the person who said it and their mental  and social abilities.

  4. i think it's weird. why would anyone tell a 6 yr old that?  

  5. that's creepy.

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