
If your American you need to read and inquire about this and demand answers?

by  |  earlier

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So the questions is - Are you American enough to inquire into these facts? Or are you the new kind of American who is too scared to even look at these facts?




  1. I know the answers. The guy is g*y, get over it. I really don't see your point in this at all. I am against g**s but there is corruption in every government and 1 man dosn't make all the others corrupt. The website you posted is bogus by the way. It's a .com not even a .gov or .net meaning it's a public website and is made and changed according to the views of the people who run it. You might as well go buy one of the magazines about alien landings and 4 headed babies for your news. For your information there is no male prostitute ring going all the way to the white house. Anyone that beleives that is a complete idiot and knows nothing about our government or the men and women that run it. Bush has done everything he can against g**s and is a professed Christian and you think he himself is helping in homosexual activities with minors? I don't see how so many people think Americans are stupid when in fact they are the ones who lack intelligence and understanding of any situation happening in the USA. So please shut up about the USA and go fix the problems in your country whichever it is.

  2. I visit that site every day. Scary world we live in.

  3. Looks like the usual c**p from that site...

  4. Sure, whatever Sparky.

  5. I read it. I'm not going to demand any "answers". Just as I didn't when Walter Jenkins had to resign his job on the White House staff in 1964, when Lyndon Baines Johnson was the President. Although I'm a heterosexual, I don't care if the legislators and staff members are straight. I just want them to think straight!

  6. I'll look at facts.  But...who are you going to demand answers from?  Do you really think that men of power can be made to answer for thier misdeeds?  You have been taught that, in America, justice is blind.  Only a fool believes this.   Our crimminal justice system is for the poor and middle class.  The elite will always get away with crime.  They have the money and political clout to do what they want to do.  It's just one of those facts of life that you learn as you get older.  Sorry, bud.  You might as well turn all that moral outrage into cynicism because people like you and I can't change a thing.

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