
If your District doesen't do homeschool for 9th and 10th grade and you really want it what do you do?

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If your District doesen't do homeschool for 9th and 10th grade and you really want it what do you do?




  1. You don't do homeschool through your district. has the information on how to homeschool in your state.

  2. Homeschool is legal in all 50 states.  You can homeschool if you live in United States.

  3. You find out about the laws where you live. Then you find out about what the school district will want in terms of approved credits (assuming the student is going back to school for 11th and 12th)--no point in homeschooling for 2 grades then going back to school and finding out they won't recognize the work you've done.

    Armed with that information, you have two choices (dependent upon what the district says about credits): 1) you can just plain old homeschool following your local laws; 2) you can sign up with an online sort of program.

    Most homeschoolers don't homeschool through their school district, just so you know.

  4. You aren't talking about homeschool, you are talking about school at home.  If your district doesn't allow you to do your classes at home for those grades, just homeschool.  It is legal, and if your parents agree they can file the paperwork if required according to state guidelines.  The school district has nothing to do with homeschooling and can't dictate which grades you do at home when homeschooling.  See for you state's regs.  Then find a local homeschool group to help you get started finding resources and other great info.

  5. Your school district does not do the home schooling, your parents do.

    Your parents can withdraw you from a conventional school at any time, and home school you for as long as they choose to.

    You go check out your states requirements at  -- Your parents send a notice of intend to home school to your County School Super Intended, or the school district, and you decide what you will use to complete your education.

    For plenty of home school information go to;

  6. Your district has no say in whether or not you homeschool.  It is a private school program developed by your parents. The local schools have nothing to do with it.

  7. Are you talking about online school through your district?

    If you're in the US, you can homeschool any grade, in any just need to find the resources.  There are tons of online curriculums, book curriculums, etc.  Just google the type of thing you're looking for (online high school, homeschool curriculum, etc.).

  8. The "district" doesn't do homeschool, you and your parents do.  You must be thinking of a Public School at Home program rather than homeschooling.

    Homeschooling is done independent of the Public School system.  The laws governing homeschooling are different in every state.  Go to to find info about the laws in your state.

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