
If your FIL had a staph infection would you let him hold your baby?

by Guest61262  |  earlier

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just found out my father in law has a staph infection and i hear they are really contagious and i don't want him holding my daughter or coming around my house until he gets rid of it am i being unfair? its not just my baby that can catch it its us as well. it groses me out a bit.




  1. If it is contagious ( i don't know much about staph infections) then he should understand your feelings. Actually, he shouldn't want to come around till he is cured. Any responsible adult would know that and keep away.

    I would talk to your hubby and have him talk to his dad. He really should understand.

    I would feel the same as you. If he does come around and still has the infection, don't let him in the house. Tell him how you feel and stand your ground.

    But i would also call a doctor and find out about it. Make sure it is contagious and then go from there.  

  2. I worked in a dr's office and worked with someone that had MRSA, which is one of the worst staph infections.  As long as they don't have any open sores on their body (oozing or not) or if they are covered up with bandaids or gauze and they wash their hands it should be ok. BUT it is your baby and you can handle this however you feel comfortable.

  3. I wouldnt as it is very contagious and your babies immune system is not able to cope with an infection like this so early. It is very dangerous for babies to contract this infection and can lead to life threatening complications. Explain to him that your number 1 concern is your baby not whether he gets a cuddle or not. It is also very important that your FIL washes his hands when touching things as it can be spread this way also. It is not spread just via wounds!

  4.    Absolutely not! Just explain to him that you're not trying to be mean, but you have to think of your's and the baby's health first before someone's feelings.  

  5. If it is contagious I would just tell him he should understand. I would just remind him the baby can get it easier and might not be able to take any medication for it depending on how old it is. I believe under 6 months maybe a year. That is how I would approach it, like I said once you explain it to him he should be understanding.

  6. no way i wouldnt either my sister had a bad one and i didnt know but if i did i wouldnt let her near the kids your your babys voice until she has her own

  7. Staph actually naturally lives on our bodies, in our noses and on our hands.  The problem occurs if Staph gets into your bloodline which can be very serious. If you are uncomfortable then you need to be upfront about it.  When it comes to my child I make everyone that touches him use hand sanitizer or wash their hands first.  It may sound rude to ask them to do that but everyone has been completely understanding of it.  It's your child's health and your sanity if your daughter was to get sick.  I know all about that.  My son was hospitalized for the first 5 months of his life.  It's not pretty watching the babies being admitted into the ICU for infections.  It happens quite frequently.  A infant under 3 months has a underdeveloped immune system and you should take whatever precautions you can to prevent infections.  

  8. Don't let him hold the baby!  Staph can be incredibly serious to an infant.

  9. No you are not being unfair, you are being a normal mother protecting your baby and I would do exactly the same. Here is some info Ive found and it actually says that babies are at a greater risk of catching an infection as they have weak immune systems and also staph related illnesses can be severe and potentially fatal so I don't blame you for taking precautions. Good luck, your father in law should understand and shouldn't want his grand daughter to get poorly x

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